Dr. Bradley Nelson
Veteran Holistic Physician, Author of The Emotion Code & Creator of the Body Code™

Dr. Bradley Nelson, DC (ret.), is a holistic chiropractor and medical intuitive, and one of the world’s foremost experts in the emerging fields of bioenergetic medicine and energy psychology. His bestselling book, The Emotion Code, helps people improve their health using The Emotion Code® technique. Users of his technique have experienced freedom from emotional and physical problems, including sadness, anxiousness, anger, fatigue, discomfort, and disease.

A key element of The Emotion Code is removing emotional baggage that may have clustered around the heart, interfering with one’s ability to find love and success. Dr. Brad has coined this cluster of emotions the Heart-Wall®, which has been called the most important discovery in the history of energy medicine.

Dr. Brad, who graduated with honors from Life Chiropractic College West in San Lorenzo, California, has lectured internationally on alleviating chronic disease through energy work and the balancing of the six key elements of health in the body. He channeled his life’s work into a simple yet powerful self-study course known as the Body Code™ system, designed to teach students how to balance the body in these key areas.

Dr. Brad is a popular speaker on the international seminar circuit and travels to many countries around the globe, conducting Emotion Code seminars. A guest on countless radio and television shows, he has presented his timely message to millions around the world.

Activate Health, Abundance & Love the Emotion Code


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