A Free Video Event
With Author, Speaker & Intuitive Energy Healer
Cyndi Dale


Experience powerful energy medicine techniques to tap into the Divine Pathway, an energetic field of grace and love, where you can release blocks and start actively creating profound shifts in your life.


Saint Augustine wrote, “Miracles are not contrary to nature, but only contrary to what we know about nature.”

Preeminent intuitive healer Cyndi Dale echoed that sentiment when she stated that a miracle occurs when something you innately know is supposed to be, actually manifests in your life. 

It’s a clearing away of whatever’s preventing you from being able to see and create whatever is for your highest good and that of others.

So how do you call the wondrous into being? What are the building blocks? What is the process according to science? And are we all capable of doing this?

Cyndi says "Yes!", noting that everything we need can be found on the Divine Pathway, one of the four levels of reality where you exist all the time...

... and on which you can most easily explore and embody your divine self, your truest self, the self that can connect with Oneness and instinctively knows your innate value and that you are loved.

The Divine Pathway is known through a feeling, through awareness It’s a profound experience of being in the presence of love. It’s a space that provides the grace through which you can connect and partner with your own divinity and your spiritual guides, and actively invite change.

On the Divine Pathway, you can discover a balanced, empowered way of being, in which the best for yourself (and others) can come into existence. Problems easily resolve, health and relationships improve without effort, and opportunities spontaneously arise.

What once would have wowed you as metaphysical magic now simply elicits a smile of reverence and gratitude.

Cyndi, whose work in energy medicine is deeply rooted in scientific and spiritual principles, explains that everything that occurs in your life and in the world is meeting some kind of need…

… and that through the Divine Pathway, everything can be transformed into a blessing.

And, when you choose to meet your needs in a positive way, healing and manifestation can happen quickly and with ease.

Join us for an extraordinary and empowering event with Cyndi as she explores the Divine Pathway and guides you through a powerful energy medicine exercise into the miracle body. There, you’ll connect with your “God Spot” a sacred space within that holds an actual cell of the Divine.

You’ll also activate a very unique type of Kundalini energy the Radiant Kundalini a shimmering light that emanates from the God Spot to link you with the Divine Pathway and the angelic beings who are available through that reality. 

This deeply soothing Radiant Kundalini, which initiates change in every area, invites the best possible access to the Absolute Scalar Waves (also called healing streams of grace) the Divine Pathway light that helps you release blocks and start shifting toward inspired manifestation… to achieve greater balance, health, happiness, and wellbeing.

When you recognize that a miracle is nothing more than a shift in perception, and you practice Cyndi’s simple yet life-expanding techniques, you become open to the miracle of changing yourself at a cellular level.


In this powerfully healing free online event, you’ll:

  • Discover your God Spot, where a cell of the Divine resides inside your body, and how it enables you to create lasting cellular, physiological, and psychological transformation and experience the joy of spiritual amplification
  • Be guided through the 2-sided Miracle Body exercise, an experiential practice to help you clear a limiting stumbling block
  • Uncover a significant challenge in your life that’s holding you back from pursuing your destiny
  • Experience Radiant Kundalini and the Absolute Scalar Waves to connect to all parts of yourself and all the goodness in the world
  • Have a direct, embodied experience of the divinity within you

Cyndi, an intuitive since childhood, is a globally recognized authority in the field of subtle energy and energy work who’s worked with over 70,000 students and clients. She has a keen ability to perceive what’s blocking others from opening to their essential energy and applying their healing gifts.

When you join Cyndi for this complimentary event, you’ll be among the first to hear about her new 7-week online course, in which you’ll dive deeply into the Divine Pathway and learn powerful energetic practices for accessing healing energies through extraordinary levels of reality... so you can create miracles in your everyday life.

You’ll receive tools and techniques for calling in guidance and creating change, healing, transmutation, and more letting divine energies do the work for you.

Sign Up Now

Join this FREE video event with Cyndi Dale and tap into the Divine Pathway, an energetic field of grace and love, where you can release blocks and start actively creating profound positive shifts in your life.

Free Video Event

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What People Are Saying About Cyndi Dale...


Kelly Sullivan Walden, Host of the Ask Dr. Dream Podcast: “This Woman Is Deep. She Is Profound. She Is Powerful.”

Dr. Shamini Jain, Founder of the Consciousness and Healing Initiative: “I’m So Inspired By Cyndi's Beautiful, Ebullient Personality”

Maryam Hasnaa, Initiated Priestess & Energy Healer: “Cyndi’s Work Really Appeals to People Who Want That Perfect Blend of Mysticism and Science”

“Cyndi Dale is a natural intuitive...”

Cyndi Dale is a natural intuitive who teaches, coaches, and advises people with the intention of supporting them as they move toward positive change and healing.
Alanis Morissette, Grammy Award-winning singer and songwriter

“... a very personable, understandable, and comprehensive exploration of the science and practice of energy medicine...”

Cyndi Dale has accomplished something that I haven’t yet seen done by any other author for this genre. She masterfully presents a very personable, understandable, and comprehensive exploration of the science and practice of energy medicine from ancient times through now. This is one of the most understandable explanations of how energy medicine therapies work that I have ever read.
― Cynthia Hutchison, director of the Healing Touch Program

“Cyndi Dale is clearly the 21st-century expert on energy medicine...”

Cyndi Dale is clearly the 21st-century expert on energy medicine; she takes the reader to the leading edge of this emerging, exciting field with her brilliant insight and intuition. This is the perfect encyclopedic guide to harnessing the energetic wisdom of both ancient and modern traditions in a hands-on way. 
― Deanna Minich, PhD, health expert and author of Chakra Foods for Optimum Health

“... offers a comprehensive guide for practitioners of energy healing.”

Spiritual scholar Dale offers a comprehensive guide for practitioners of energy healing. There’s a cornucopia of healing modalities and practices, she explains, ranging from Eastern and Western medicine to field-based healing and bodywork... This work will be a go-to guide for anyone considering energy healing as a vocation or avocation.
― Publishers Weekly


About Cyndi Dale

Cyndi Dale is an internationally renowned author, speaker, intuitive healer, and business consultant. Her groundbreaking books on chakras and intuition include The Subtle Body: An Encyclopedia of Your Energetic Anatomy... Energy Healing for Trauma, Stress & Chronic Illness... Energy Wellness for Your Pet... Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Chakras... and Awaken Clairvoyant Energy.

Cyndi, who’s been a natural intuitive since she was young, works worldwide as an intuitive coach and energy healer, serving thousands of individuals seeking to make healthy and positive changes in their lives. She is passionate about helping people open their “essential energy” the powers and perspectives unique to them and believes that once an individual understands their own essence, they can tap into the energies of and beyond the world.

Seeking to unify the world’s most vital spiritual messages to encourage understanding and community among all peoples, Cyndi has presented seminars and workshops in Russia, England, Wales, Amsterdam, and Scotland, and has led groups across South and Central America and Africa. Her training, which encompasses shamanism and healing, has taken her to the Peruvian, Belizean, Hawaiian, and Costa Rican jungles, the Moroccan sands, the Venezuelan savannahs, and the glaciers of Iceland.
