With Healer, Teacher & Author
Mona Delfino
A 7-Module On-Demand Video Training

Receive ancient shamanic sound practices and connect with the tone of your heart feeding your energy field & shifting your emotional, physical & mental states.

Care for your own spiritual immune system by placing a tone in your crown chakra that runs through your whole body.

Direct your ‘vital tone’ to specific areas of your body that need healing and reset and strengthen your entire energy system.


You’ve likely witnessed the healing power of sound in your life... experiencing the positive effects on your physical, emotional, and spiritual being...

Through sound medicine, you can reduce stress and lower your blood pressure... you can balance your brain and nervous system, including reducing stress, depression, and anxiety... you can enhance your relaxation and spiritual practices, and more.

Healer, teacher, and author Mona Delfino brings an exciting new dimension to the growing field of sound healing, integrating shamanism, energy healing, and more...

Mona was born a shaman highly skilled at reading energy and started following her calling to help people and animals heal at a very early age.

Well-versed in spirituality, alchemy, and quantum healing, her deliberate and highly effective approach to using sound as medicine has helped thousands heal...

Shamanic sound medicine works within the shamanic healing framework (journeying to invisible and mysterious places outside of time and physical reality) combining focused heart centered intention AND sound and vibration to facilitate change and healing.

Studies show that the vibration of your voice alone can decrease stress, improve sleep, and lower blood pressure, as well as increase lymphatic circulation, melatonin production, and release of endorphins. It can even help create new neural pathways in your brain.

Discover YOUR Most Effective Sound-healing Modality

There are many sound-healing modalities including your own voice that can transform your physical and emotional wellbeing... and that Mona will be sharing with you during this 7-step journey.

  • Tuning forks can induce a deeper state of relaxation, their soundwaves restoring the balance in your body by keeping the muscles, nervous system, and organs in harmony
  • The vibrations of a gong can change your brain waves from a Beta (waking state) to Theta & Delta (deep meditation state)
  • Tibetan singing bowls create a range of sounds to restore the normal vibratory frequencies of the parts of your body, mind and soul that are out of balance
  • Breath, humming, and toning practices can help you uncover the truths of your soul and make huge strides in your healing process.
  • Cymatics, the study of visible sound and vibration, can improve your health in powerful ways
  • Biofeedback practices use auditory feedback to help you gain control over your heart rate, muscle tension, blood flow, pain perception, blood pressure, and more
  • Intention and toning practices transform for your emotional body

Mona will also guide you to unlock the full power of sound as medicine when you identify your own vital tone . Your vital tone gives you a baseline to work with a vibrational representation of YOUR body in optimal wellness.

Knowing and working with this vital tone allows you to not only experience deep healing even of your most persistent health concerns but actually help your body regenerate and recalibrate your systems from within... returning your entire being to optimal health.

In this inspiring new 7-part video course, Mona Delfino will guide you through these powerful sound-healing methods so you can experience true healing, using deep breathing practices, sound bowls, and more...

You’ll experience an ancient shamanic sound practice to help you connect with the tone of your own heart nourishing your energy field and shifting your emotional, physical, and mental state.

You’ll care for your spiritual immune system by learning how to place a tone in your crown chakra that will reverberate healing sound throughout your whole body.

And you’ll discover a muscle testing practice to help you find your vital tone... and guide its unique vibration to the areas of your body in need of healing.


During this self-empowering new program, you’ll discover:

  • How to treat your body’s aches and pains using sound healing and conscious awareness practices
  • How to create your own regular sound-medicine practice at home
  • How to care for your own spiritual immune system by placing a tone in your crown chakra that will run through your whole body
  • Why meditative sound healing often works for people who insist they aren’t able to meditate effectively
  • Why you MUST put yourself first and deeply believe you deserve to feel vibrant, happy, and well
  • The phenomenon of transference and how it explains why your feelings, desires, and expectations might originate with someone else
  • A deep dive into body language, and the often-overlooked ways your body was built for expression
  • How cymatics, the study of visible sound and vibration, can improve your health in powerful ways
  • How to connect to your soul through proven humming techniques
  • The practice of toning vocalizing long, sustained sounds without melody, words, beat, or rhythm
  • How to deepen your intuition using conscious awareness... and reclaim your spiritual life by waking up into the present
  • Intention and toning practices for your emotional body
  • The relationship between shamanic wholeness and sound
  • Shamanic chanting and singing and why sound is so important to the shaman
  • Humming for wholeness
  • The Hawaiian “HA” breath for healing your body
  • And so much more...

Mona will guide you to engage with yourself and the world in deeply healing ways as you grow into the healthy, vibrant person you’re meant to be.

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-step transformational intensive, Mona will guide you through the fundamental skills you’ll need to use sound medicine to clear blocks, heal illnesses, and more.


This course will feature teachings, training sessions, and experiential practices with Mona. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to discover how the healing power of sound leads to a sense of oneness within YOU and throughout our world.


Module 1: Sound as Medicine for Putting Yourself And Your Healing First (January 9)


Mona will walk you through the foundations of sound as medicine and the mental and emotional perspectives you’ll need to have in place to apply it effectively.

As she shares the basics of sound as medicine, Mona will also guide you to release old patterns as you discover new, expanded ways of thinking about your life and your health...

As you’ll discover, your thoughts are actually a key part of your healing journey, because your physical health flows from your spiritual, mental, and emotional bodies coming into physical form.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • How sound frequency, vibration, and resonance work in your body
  • Why you MUST put yourself first and deeply believe you deserve to feel vibrant, happy, and well
  • The phenomenon of transference and how it explains why your feelings, desires, and expectations might originate with someone else
  • A deep dive into body language, and the often-overlooked ways your body was built for expression
  • Your own powerful daily sound practice

Module 2: Sounding Spirit Through Breath, Humming & Toning for Cellular Transformation (January 16)


Mona will share a new form of balance (homeostasis) for your mind, body, and spirit including a whole new way of understanding yourself without judgment as you make essential changes to your emotional landscape.

You’ll discover how breath, humming, and toning practices can help you uncover the truths of your soul and make huge strides in your healing process.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • The power of cellular transformation, a healing modality that dissolves your fear-based thought patterns that are causing you pain
  • The best ways to recognize unfamiliar new feelings as they arise
  • How cymatics, the study of visible sound and vibration, can improve your health in powerful ways
  • Methods for creating spiritual connections with other people, including the “where two or more are gathered” principle
  • How to connect to your soul through proven humming techniques
  • The practice of toning vocalizing long, sustained sounds without melody, words, beat, or rhythm

Module 3: Advancing Sound Tools for Healing & Boosting Your Spiritual Immune System (January 23)


What if you could learn to feel more deeply as you integrate these new sound practices as medicine?

Mona will guide you to journey deeper within yourself and feel more empowered as you discover more sound tools for healing...

In this module, you’ll:

  • Explore the powerful truth that you have a spiritual immune system primarily formed by your own beliefs and that you can keep it healthy
  • Discover how your inner quantum energy is the same energy that sustains all living things and how to shift it through sound
  • Deepen your intuition using conscious awareness... and reclaim your spiritual life by waking up into the present
  • Become grounded in more advanced sound-as-medicine principles, including frequency, vibration, and resonance as well as delta, alpha, and beta sounds
  • Receive a deepening practice that combines sound as medicine and shamanism and apply the techniques you’ve learned so far on anyone from human loved ones to plants
  • Participate in a practice using crystals to create a laser of energy you’ll then apply to your body

Module 4: Finding Your ‘Vital Tone’ Through Biofeedback & Muscle Testing (January 30)


Imagine never again looking outside yourself for answers and trusting your intuition so profoundly that you consider it truth...

In this pivotal session, Mona will guide you to make this a reality when you discover your own vital tone.

As you’ll discover, your vital tone provides a vibrational interpretation of the blueprint for your body’s ideal state of being (you may have also heard it called a signature note or home note)...

Finding your vital tone unlocks volumes of information from your cellular and electromagnetic fields, resulting in everything from less pain to clearer decision-making, and so much more.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Explore the principles of biofeedback using auditory feedback to gain control over your heart rate, muscle tension, blood flow, pain perception, blood pressure, and more
  • Discover how biofeedback helps create the new, healthy YOU
  • Apply your newly discovered vital tone using a conscious breath technique
  • Treat your body’s aches and pains using sound healing and conscious awareness practices
  • Explore the healing power of touching areas of your body with healing intention using your vital tone
  • Receive a deepening practice, Touch and Tone, to embody all you’ve learned

Module 5: Sound Medicine for Your Emotional Body (Heart) in the Electromagnetic Field (February 6)


The benefits of sound medicine will continue to reveal themselves as Mona guides you to recognize the universal connection you’re a part of and why you have your own connection to how the universe speaks...

You’ll learn how sound medicine can help you adjust your antenna to your world, resulting in a deeper sense of connection to the language of the universe.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • Why an essential part of sound healing is the deliberate engagement of the heart
  • How preventing illness requires recognizing what’s true in your life and the world around you
  • The importance of the electromagnetic field and its connection to the Law of Attraction
  • Intention and toning practices for your emotional body
  • How to release past life patterns through sound intention
  • How to use vocal intention as conscious internal guidance for the body
  • Vocal Release for the Body, a deepening practice

Module 6: Shamanic Sound Medicine to Activate Healing Frequencies for Your Mind/Body (February 13)


At this point in your sound medicine training, your cells are becoming more aware of what you are asking them to do and the clearing of your whole body’s environment is making way for the higher frequency of vibrations in your health and life...

With this new sense of clarity, Mona will nudge you to ask yourself, What am I capable of achieving?

You’ll also dive deeper into the powerful connection between sound and shamanism...

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • Shamanic sound practices for elements and earth energy
  • The relationship between shamanic wholeness and sound
  • Shamanic chanting and singing and why sound is so important to the shaman
  • Humming for wholeness
  • The Hawaiian “HA” breath for healing your body
  • A deepening practice to create a tincture using distilled water for physical, mental, and emotional healing with your vital tone

Module 7: Creating Your Personal Sound Medicine Practice (February 20)


As this training with Mona comes to a close, you’ll have expanded yourself to easily manifest changes in your life and health.

You and your new global community of fellow participants will come together to celebrate all you’ve learned and practiced.

In this final module, you’ll:

  • Discover the ways that victimization and judgment have stopped you from becoming whole but don’t have to impact your life moving forward
  • Create a worksheet to guide YOUR personal practice after the course concludes
  • Share your biggest takeaways and healing breakthroughs
  • Connect with Mona around your deepest longings, curiosities, and issues in an in an extended Q&A session

The Sound as Medicine Bonus Collection

In addition to Mona’s transformative 7-part virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions with leading visionaries and teachers. These bonus sessions complement the course and promise to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.


The Body Awakens
Ebook by Mona Delfino

We’re living in a world where chaos seems to rule the planet, illness is on the rise, and people wonder whether there will be any good outcomes. You can choose to patiently wait, living your life one day at a time in hopes that the world will change OR you can live the connection of life that’s within you.

In this powerful work, Mona shares concepts from science, the inner reality of the body’s wisdom, and energy fields generated from the heart... You’ll discover how to become attuned to the shifts you’re experiencing and be a part of a better world within YOU, which then creates a better world for everyone.


Sound Healing With Humming: Using Toning to Connect With Internal Biofeedback
Audio Dialogue With Mona Delfino

Join energy medicine practitioner Mona Delfino as she shares a technique that can help you be "guided for life" with the knowledge of how sound reflects, promotes, and immediately becomes a recognition to the soul. Intentional focus directs energy to the area to assist healing and can create better results in hard-to-heal areas.

During this engaging session, you'll discover:

  • How sound can connect us with the body traveling and working throughout the entire body and becoming like a big bang effect when applied with intention
  • Self-empowerment through sound
  • How heart-centered toning can help facilitate new cell generation

Your Body’s Language & the Causes of Illness
Video Dialogue With Mona Delfino

Join shaman Mona Delfino as she discusses how to understand the body's language, and how we feed it by being our true selves from the subconscious to the conscious.

During this riveting session, you’ll discover:

  • Consciousness that relates to your thoughts, patterns, subconscious carryovers, and to old expectations from others
  • The way the body interprets thought through cellular memory and how to create new memory that is sustainable to your health
  • That there is a theme to illnesses, especially autoimmune diseases, and how we can help turn around illnesses and autoimmune dysfunctions

What People Are Saying About Mona Delfino...

“Friends and family are already commenting about the improvements they are noticing.”

Finally, someone who understood the depth of mind, body, spirit work I still needed and wasn’t afraid to say exactly what I needed to hear. Her technique opened my eyes and mind I was able to understand why my body was reacting the way it was and start working on how to fine-tune aspects of my life to gain the best healing possible. Friends and family are already commenting about the improvements they are noticing. Working with Mona has been a blessing; she is truly gifted.
Pamela, Washington

“[Mona] is one of the most amazing healers I have ever encountered.”

[Mona] is one of the most amazing healers I have ever encountered. Her intuition of the body, mind, and spirit will bring wellness and understanding if you allow her abilities to be part of your experience. She is truly blessed in these techniques. As I have said to others, her healing is that of multiple healing energies, spiritual and universal, chiropractic and massage, with a sprinkling of shamanic and cosmic intuition.
Ken Landis

“... awakened new possibilities to me...”

It is so delightful to see your gift is helping so many people. I immediately did some chakra balancing that I had not done for some time. I had open heart surgery in December 2006, and since then, life has been a challenge. Your special gifts have awakened new possibilities to me... Your hope for the world, and understanding the changes taking place within, are timely and inspirational.

“... fear is quickly leaving my life and I am waking up more and more.”

Yesterday I was a sleepwalker, enveloped in a box of fear, trying to find my way out but unsure of how to do it. After years of searching for a guide and a healer who was the “real deal,” I finally met Mona. After she worked on me, I quickly discovered the answer to my dis-ease: “Love My Self!” It may sound simple, but allowing myself to do that was difficult because my box kept me bound in expectations, illusion, and superficial patterns. With Mona’s healing hands and loving heart, I began to unfold each corner of that box, revealing to myself that I am loved and loving. Today, fear is quickly leaving my life and I am waking up more and more. I am learning of my own power, my own light, and that my life is important. Mona’s master connection with the universe continues to amaze me. I would not hesitate to recommend Mona to anyone who values their own physical, spiritual, and emotional health.

“... the best investment in my emotional and physical health that I could have ever made.”

I am so very grateful for my session with Mona. I am not a beginner to this world and I have never before met anyone with her talents. The shift that took place during my session was truly life-changing. Our time together was the best investment in my emotional and physical health that I could have ever made. It has been a week since my session and I feel truly liberated. This is not a temporary fix, it is the real deal and I feel so very blessed. You are a huge gift, Mona ,and you are a true pioneer demonstrating the future of healing. I am proud to know you.
Stephanie H.

“I can’t remember ever feeling so free and connected.”

I literally feel like a totally different person but still me! I can’t remember ever feeling so free and connected. I was starting to feel stuck and sometimes dreaded new opportunities and situations. Right now I feel like a “dark cloud” has been pulled off me and it’s getting stronger and stronger each day.
Cherie Barazandeh


Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Recorded Class Sessions With Mona Delfino

Experience a rare opportunity to learn from healer, teacher, and author Mona Delfino from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a video teaching and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to uncover the voice of your soul and a more authentically lived life using sound as medicine.

Seven PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Sound as Medicine Bonus Collection
  • The Body Awakens
    Ebook by Mona Delfino
  • Sound Healing With Humming: Using Toning to Connect With Internal Biofeedback
    Audio Dialogue With Mona Delfino
  • Your Body’s Language & the Causes of Illness
    Video Dialogue With Mona Delfino

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Sound as Medicine Virtual Training


We feel honored that Mona Delfino has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a rare opportunity to learn from a healer, teacher, and author whose unique approach to applying sound as medicine is helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about finally taking control of your own healing, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

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Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Sound As Medicine with Mona Delfino or don’t feel that it meets your needs please contact our friendly Support Team on or before January 23, 2020 and we’ll happily issue you a refund.


More Praise for Mona Delfino...

“If you are ready to explore and participate in your healing, then let Mona help guide you in finding the way.”

We have to open our minds and live by our experience in order to achieve our potential and to truly heal. If you are ready to explore and participate in your healing, then let Mona help guide you in finding the way.
Bernie Siegel, MD, Author of Love, Medicine, and Miracles

“... a path that... ultimately helps you reach enlightenment!”

To me, the greatest challenge has been understanding the illusion of all that we perceive as “reality.” Someday, all of us will reach that galactic stage of development and awareness. Meanwhile, Mona presents you with a path that should be exciting and ultimately helps you reach enlightenment!
Norman Shealy, MD, PhD, President of Holos Institutes of Health, Professor Emeritus of Energy Medicine

“... no more mini heart attacks at night.”

I’m so grateful and thankful. The session I had was soooo helpful. First time in years to feel energetic. And no more mini heart attacks at night. I’ve also had interesting experiences since the session.
Hiroko Ito, Japan

“I now know who I am and how I could, with confidence, truly shine my light out into the world.”

I am writing this testimonial to honor Mona Delfino. I have come to know Mona through the most profound healing sessions I have ever experienced. I was deeply moved by her ability to look right into my soul and tap into the issues and challenges that have been affecting me, not just on a physical level, but on many levels. As a result, my physical issues diminished and I am able to “see” and “feel” with more clarity. I am now empowered, enlightened, and energized. Mona ignited a spark within me. This caused an awakening, which in turn motivated me to remember that the answers are within and have been there all along. With Mona’s guidance and healing I was able to know, understand, and accept this life-changing realization. I now know who I am and how I could, with confidence, truly shine my light out into the world.
Cheryl F.

“It was so nice to be able to walk without that pain.”

Being a lightworker and healer, I am very sensitive to energy and always careful who I allow into my energy field. I heard Mona on a webinar and immediately resonated with her, intuitively knowing her work would help me. After telling her what had been going on with my body, she was immediately drawn to my adrenals. She worked on them for about 10 minutes before moving on to another area. I had not realized my adrenals were exhausted and were the cause of the aching in my lower back. After my session I walked to the living room the pain from my adrenals was gone!!! It was so nice to be able to walk without that pain. I am so grateful for you and your gifts.
Suzi D.


About Mona Delfino

Mona Delfino is an author and world-renowned Energy Medicine practitioner of 40 years. She was born with shamanic abilities, following her calling and helping people and animals heal from a very early age. Mona is well-versed in spirituality and Quantum Healing, teaching the Art of Alchemy: as within, so without.

She has an extensive background of reading her clients from afar as well as seeing them in person; energy has no bounds. Her effective and deliberate work has helped heal thousands over the years. She also works to heal the Earth; when feeling called, she engages in ceremony to release memory from gridlines throughout the world for energetic cleansing.

Mona is able to provide insights into the “big picture” through reading the energy of humanity through astrological patterns as well as inside each individual. She continually teaches the Sacred Language of the Human Body. She even wrote the book on it!

Mona offers individual healing sessions that are done over Skype, Zoom, phone, and sometimes in person. She also holds spiritual retreats that are timely and relevant for all who attend. Current topics include the Spiritual Immune System, the Energetic Membrane, and the Sacred Language of the Human Body.


Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What’s your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee so that you can sample the course risk-free. The deadline to receive a full refund is 2 weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click on this refund request form and submit your request. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we’ll send you an email confirming your refund. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com and we’ll be happy to help!


Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
