With Veteran Holistic Physician, Author of
The Emotion Code & Creator of the Body CodeTM
Dr. Bradley Nelson

A 7-Module On-Demand Video Training

Locate and remove trapped emotions and identify the underlying causes of illness using the Emotion Code so you can address your health issues and heal inherited trauma patterns in your family lineage to live a happier, more abundant life.

We’ve all experienced how life’s many challenges can bring up difficult emotions.

Whether you’re struggling with health issues, financial difficulties, spiritual challenges, or something else if you hold onto difficult emotions over time, they become trapped... and their impact escalates.

They may even turn into chronic illness, long-term depression, anxiety, soul loss, or more.

These unfelt, unacknowledged, and unreleased emotions are at the core of most of the body’s imbalances. Stunningly, 90% of physical pain can be traced back to trapped emotions.

But did you know you can learn the skills you need to discover and release trapped emotions, allowing your body to heal faster and more efficiently?

In fact, everyone possesses this ability, according to Dr. Bradley Nelson, internationally renowned medical intuitive, healer, and teacher. And it’s much easier than you might think.

Embark on an empowering 7-module video course from Dr. Brad, that will show you how to use the Emotion Code his easy, yet powerful, proven approach to energy healing and learn how to quickly release trapped emotions to resolve underlying physical, emotional, and spiritual imbalances for a healthier, happier life.

You’ll come to understand exactly how invisible emotional energy can create malfunction and discomfort in your body. You’ll learn how to tap into the power of your subconscious mind to help you heal as you locate and release stuck emotional energies from your body quickly, easily, and effectively.

Dr. Brad also shares his own special muscle-testing techniques and tools to delve further into the subconscious mind and answer questions about physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. Muscle testing is a noninvasive method that, when performed correctly, can help determine the potential underlying causes of ailments and discomfort including everything from nutritional needs to trapped emotions.

You’ll also explore how inherited energies may exert power over you, and how it’s possible to remove them for yourself, your family, and even future generations.

In each session, you’ll witness powerful demonstrations of how the Emotion Code can be used in the moment to catalyze healing and transformation. You’ll transform your own life and become empowered to make a difference in the world as a skilled and compassionate healer.

After more than 30 years as a holistic chiropractor and teacher, Dr. Brad created the Emotion Code to help not only his patients, but everyone alleviate physical discomfort, ease emotional wounds, restore love in relationships, and break through potential self-sabotage to live the lives we’re meant to live.

Trapped emotions are the driving force behind such common maladies as headaches, physical pain, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, phobias, PTSD, eating disorders and the underlying cause of nearly every disease process.

Explore Dr. Brad’s 7-module on-demand course and learn to use the Emotion Code to restore wellness, joy, and potential for yourself, and for the people (and the animals!) in your life.

In this transformational online course from Dr. Brad, you’ll:

  • Use the Emotion Code an easy, yet powerful approach to release trapped emotions and address the underlying causes of physical, emotional, and spiritual imbalances
  • Find the underlying true causes of illness in seconds using the Body Code, Dr. Brad’s patented method of finding and removing imbalances
  • Explore the simplest method of speaking with the subconscious and why it works immediately
  • Use the Emotion Code to help yourself and others heal including children, animals, and those who are far away
  • Let go of inherited trapped emotions that can release you from the trauma of your entire family tree

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-module transformational intensive, Dr. Brad guides you through using the Emotion Code to discover and release trapped emotions, allowing your body to heal faster and more efficiently.

The Beauty of On-Demand

This course features step-by-step teachings and practices from Dr. Brad. Each session builds harmoniously upon the previous ones, as you use the Emotion Code to alleviate physical discomfort, ease emotional wounds, restore love, and even break through potential self-sabotage to live your best life. Your purchase includes 24/7 ongoing access to your course content, allowing you time to review the materials at your own pace and integration.

Module 1: Introduction to the Emotion Code

The Emotion Code is the simplest, easiest method of finding and removing emotional baggage the energy of the emotional experiences from your past that have become trapped in the body, literally forming trapped emotions.

In this opening module, you'll discover how trapped emotions are truly an epidemic, responsible for tremendous suffering on a global scale.

Trapped emotions are an underlying cause of nearly every disease process human beings suffer from, in addition to being the driving force behind such common maladies as headaches, physical pain of all sorts, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, phobias, PTSD, eating disorders, and more.

Dr. Brad explains the scope of the problem, and gives you hope as you experience his works with students in each module to obtain immediate results by removing trapped emotions.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • The dilemma we’re currently facing with Western medicine
  • Why trapped emotions are a huge underlying cause of illness and disease
  • How emotions become trapped to begin with
  • The emotional experience and how it’s interrupted
  • The physical, emotional, and mental effects of trapped emotions
  • The Sway Test the simplest method for connecting with your subconscious and zeroing in on blocks to your wellbeing as you try it out for yourself
  • The first demonstrations on former course participants as volunteers

Module 2: Introduction to Muscle Testing

Your subconscious mind is like your personal computer, and it always knows what’s wrong.

In this module, you’ll learn several methods of getting answers from your own subconscious mind through the process of muscle testing.

As you’ll discover, muscle testing is the simplest way to access the powerful database of your subconscious mind. Dr. Brad shares the hidden secrets of making muscle testing work. As you’ll discover, most medical professionals aren’t even aware of this life-changing approach to healing.

You’ll also learn how to dowse for answers using the common tools of a pendulum and bobber.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • The simplest method of speaking with the subconscious and why it works immediately
  • The hidden tips to make your muscle testing much easier
  • Dr. Brad’s 3 favorite methods of muscle self-testing
  • How to use a pendulum correctly
  • Other dowsing devices to get answers from the subconscious
  • How muscle testing is like training wheels for your intuition
  • Demonstrations on former course participants of different forms of muscle testing

Module 3: Releasing Common & Inherited Trapped Emotions

Dr. Brad shares the mechanics of how trapped emotions are actually released from the body.

You’ll determine how you received emotional energies at the moment of conception from one or both of your parents plus the emotional energies they received at their conception that may stretch back for many generations.

As you’ll discover, finding and removing these inherited trapped emotions can be life-changing.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • What a trapped emotion truly is, and how emotions are released
  • The meaning of inherited trapped emotions
  • How releasing an inherited trapped emotion can free you from the trauma of your entire family tree
  • Dr. Brad’s personal story about an inherited trapped emotion from 22 generations ago
  • Dr. Brad guiding former course participants through the process of releasing their inherited trapped emotions

Module 4: Understanding the Heart-Wall

Have you ever felt like your heart is going to break?

If you’ve experienced heartache or deep grief, it’s very likely your subconscious mind has put up a wall of energy around your heart to protect it from being broken in the future.

You’ll discover how this Heart-Wall is an invisible part of life yet it interferes with finding love, expressing creativity, and being completely healthy.

You’ll learn how to find and dismantle your own Heart-Wall to change your life. By the end of this module, you’ll understand why the discovery of the Heart-Wall has been referred to as “the most important discovery in the history of energy medicine.”

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • How the Heart-Wall was discovered, plus how and why it forms
  • The high price of having a Heart-Wall, including its links to depression, PTSD, autism, and more
  • How removing the Heart-Wall makes it easier to find love
  • A demonstration of how to remove the Heart-Wall so your heart can be open once again
  • A guided practice to find and begin removing your own Heart-Wall

Module 5: Surrogate & Proxy Testing

Surrogate and proxy testing are two simple variations of methods of muscle testing that make it possible to work on other people anytime, anywhere.

While surrogate testing helps someone in the same location as you, proxy testing can be used to obtain immediate results for someone who may be on the other side of the planet.

Dr. Brad explains how both surrogate and proxy testing are easy to learn and practice. These two methods equip you with a profound ability to use the Emotion Code in circumstances that might otherwise be impossible.

You’ll also learn how to create an energetic shield to help block negative energies.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • Ways to make a wireless connection regardless of distance with anyone, including children and animals
  • The quantum physics of surrogate testing and proxy testing
  • How to ask permission to work on people from a distance
  • How to plug in an additional person to get better results in your testing
  • How to shield yourself from negative energies when using surrogate testing and proxy testing
  • A demonstration with an animal and their owner with a physical or a behavioral issue

Module 6: Life Without Trapped Emotions

You'll explore how wonderful it feels to live a life free of emotional baggage.

Dr. Brad explains how your emotional baggage can interfere with the Law of Attraction expressing itself in your life.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • Whether you actually get to choose your emotions
  • How releasing trapped emotions enables you to forgive those who’ve hurt you
  • The pitfalls of pride and the power of pure love
  • How to live a life of integrity in alignment with the higher power
  • The power of prayer
  • Demonstrations to show you how to find the specific trapped emotions that may be in your way of forgiving others and aligning your life with a Higher Power

Module 7: Using the Emotion Code Within the Body Code System

In this closing module, you’ll explore the six underlying imbalances that are at the root of all physical, mental, and emotional symptoms.

While trapped emotions are a significant cause of illnesses and other life difficulties, you’ll also learn to find and eliminate additional imbalances. These include pathogens, nutritional deficiencies, structural misalignments, toxins, imbalances of the circuitry and systems of the body, and more.

In this final module, you’ll discover:

  • The most common imbalances we suffer from
  • Incredible healing stories from Dr. Brad’s work
  • How to find the underlying true causes of illness in seconds using Dr. Brad’s patented method of finding and removing imbalances
  • Demonstrations of the Body Code on former course participants 

The Emotion Code Bonus Collection

In addition to Dr. Brad’s transformative 7-module on-demand course, you’ll receive these special bonuses with leading visionaries and teachers to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

Energy Compatibility in Relationships
Video Teaching From Dr. Bradley Nelson

Many of us struggle through relationships with the wrong people before finding love, and we often carry the resulting emotional baggage with us as we enter into new relationships. In this presentation, Dr. Brad explains how to recognize your emotional baggage and how to unpack it so it doesn’t hurt your chances of having a successful, loving relationship.

Self-Reliance & Healing
Video Teaching From Dr. Susanne Hufnagel, CBCP

In this powerful teaching, Dr. Susanne Hufnagel speaks to the emotional consequences of war with a personal story about her grandfather returning from the grave. She also explains the importance of finding and correcting the imbalances that might be your “blindspot,” making them difficult to find. You’ll also explore the liberation of taking responsibility for yourself and your actions, so that circumstances and other people don’t run your life and you’ll hear insight into topics like codependency, the Law of Attraction, and more.

Healing Your Animal Friends
Video Teaching From Lana Nelson, CBCP

If you love animals, you’ll love this presentation by Lana Nelson, CBCP, as she shows you how animals can be worked on using the Emotion Code and the Body Code. Her personal stories of working on horses, dogs, a robin, a cat, and even a wolf are a must-see! Lana also does a live demonstration on a rescue dog. Along with being a Certified Body Code Practitioner, Lana is a Certified Biofeedback Therapist, a Reiki Master Teacher, and a massage therapist. She’s also a seasoned medical intuitive with a profound gift for healing.

What People Are Saying About Dr. Bradley Nelson…

Emanuel Zevallos: “After Working With Many People, I Started Seeing Pain Decrease”

Lesha Kitts: “That Was Eight Months Ago, But I Have Had Full Range of Motion and No Pain Since That Day”

Connie Barton: “I Have Gone From a Broken, Shattered Woman to Someone Who Wakes Up Every Day Happy to Embrace Life”

Cheryl Monroe & Cathy Patch: “I Don't Have Any More Negative Self-Talk; I Feel Peaceful and Calm and Quiet”

Elle Nevarde: “I Got to See My Son Joyful”

Sally McCann: “I Can Now Receive Love Fully and Give Love Fully”

“The Body Code worked to get rid of her symptoms with great results.”

My 16-year-old daughter developed an acute onset of panic attacks and anxiety, and had to quit school, dance, piano lessons, acting on stage, and wouldn’t leave her room or get in a car. The Body Code worked to get rid of her symptoms with great results. She has found her confidence and is back in school. She’s getting great marks, is outgoing, back at dance, doing all kinds of volunteer work, and feels alive and vibrant!! Now she asks for a Body Code session whenever she feels off or needs to address an issue. We took her to a naturopathic doctor, counselor, family doctor, and a psychiatrist. My daughter will tell you the Body Code helped the most. It was a very difficult time for my daughter and we couldn’t have gotten through it without the Body Code. She is now a 19-year-old university student and doing amazingly well.
Carmen der Kinderen, Ontario, Canada

“Probably the most important thing in my personal life is how much it has helped my daughter.”

I literally get texts and emails all the time from people I’ve done sessions on saying they can’t believe the results and then asking if I can work on their spouse, friend, child, pet, etc. It somehow still always surprises me but also brings me great joy to help people with the Emotion Code. Probably the most important thing in my personal life is how much it has helped my daughter. I can tell right away when something is off with her and I’ll just go right into the Emotion Code and release it. In addition, another Emotion Code/Body Code practitioner has worked with her, and she has made great strides with both her confidence and learning disabilities.
Diane C., New York

“My exciting success story is that I now sleep every night!”

I dealt with insomnia for nearly 15 years and had gone as long as six days with no sleep. I tried both prescription and over-the-counter drugs, herbal remedies, and had even been part of a sleep study. I learned how to muscle test and correct my polarity as well as helped friends learn to do the same. Then I used the Emotion Code and the sway test to determine if I had any trapped emotions. This was an incredible breakthrough for me! My exciting success story is that I now sleep every night!
Patricia England, Nebraska

“She and her family were so excited about this miraculous healing.”

Atsuko had fractured her leg which required surgery. She had tightness and numbness in her left leg after the surgery that had lasted for four months. Her doctor just tilted his head in confusion. There was nothing he could do for her symptoms in the hospital. So I released her Heart-Wall and trapped emotions. The tightness in the leg was gone immediately! She could walk lightly for the first time in many months. She and her family were so excited about this miraculous healing. I was too! Thank you, Dr. Nelson.
Chika Y., Nara, Japan

“The effects have been from amazing to absolute miracles.”

A friend of mine used me as one of his clients to certify in the Emotion Code and The Body Code. I began sending people to him that I felt he could help. Their changes and mine were so profound that I decided to become certified myself. Since then I have been able to bless my family and many others by helping them to unload their emotional burdens. The effects have been from amazing to absolute miracles. My bipolar son Brandon went from nothing but trouble and pain to an honor roll student in two months. Thank you, Dr. Nelson, for your hard work in developing and sharing this process!”
James C. Bills, Utah

Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven Pre-Recorded 90-Minute Modules

Experience a unique opportunity to learn from Dr. Bradley Nelson author of The Emotion Code and creator of the Body Code from the comfort of your own home. Each session includes a streaming video and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to identify and remove the underlying causes of illness using the Emotion Code so you can live a happier, more abundant life.

Seven Transcripts of Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive session transcriptions. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Emotion Code Bonus Collection
  • Energy Compatibility in Relationships
    Video Teaching From Dr. Bradley Nelson
  • Self-Reliance & Healing
    Video Teaching From Dr. Susanne Hufnagel, CBCP
  • Healing Your Animal Friends
    Video Teaching From Lana Nelson, CBCP

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Activate Health, Abundance & Love With the Emotion Code Online Training

We feel honored that Dr. Bradley Nelson has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive on-demand video course. This is a unique opportunity to learn from a veteran holistic physician whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and transform ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about identifying and removing underlying causes of illness using the Emotion Code so you can live a happier, more abundant life, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.


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Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Activate Health, Abundance & Love With the Emotion Code or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form 2 weeks from your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.

More Praise for Dr. Bradley Nelson...

“Thank you, Dr. Brad Nelson, for this wonderful gift.”

We are so blessed to have this knowledge and power to heal others and this world. It is truly remarkable. Try it you will not be disappointed. Thank you, Dr. Brad Nelson, for this wonderful gift.
Anjna, London, United Kingdom

“The releasing of emotions was powerful I thank him for a life-changing experience!”

Dr. Bradley Nelson’s seminar was everything and more than I’d hoped for! I believe he gave me tools to stay well and know when I’m not. The releasing of emotions was powerful I thank him for a life-changing experience! I can’t say enough good things about this information and the way he presents it! Outstanding! Thank you from my heart!
Yvonne S., Bend, Oregon

“Brad’s heartfelt style draws people in and relaxes them for greater benefit to all…”

Brad’s heartfelt style draws people in and relaxes them for greater benefit to all, allowing you to participate in a truly personal experience without fear or hesitancy.
Linda W., Temecula, California

“Quantum leap into the ‘medicine’ of the future.”

Quantum leap into the “medicine” of the future. I’m privileged to be part of healing the planet. Truly remarkable information that is ahead of all I have studied so far. This is the next step I’ve been looking for. Keep your wonderful sense of humor, for laughter is healing in itself.
B.F., San Bernardino, California

“Brad was very pure-hearted and caring.”

First of all, Brad was very pure-hearted and caring. He was very approachable and helpful. He had a great sense of humor. He truly gives a wonderful seminar. He really put himself out to help others with their health.
Kim C., Arlington, Washington

“Dr. Nelson has such a positive attitude as a presenter and teacher that it would be impossible for anyone not to be amazed...”

Dr. Nelson has such a positive attitude as a presenter and teacher that it would be impossible for anyone not to be amazed and inspired to do this work for themselves and others.
Dean W., Seal Beach, California

“At this moment I am once again overwhelmed and blessed that the Lord has guided me here.”

At this moment I am once again overwhelmed and blessed that the Lord has guided me here. Thank you for sharing your calling.
Rosemary G., Redmond, Washington

“The Emotion Code and the Body Code are tools that can bring more light, love, and joy into your life...”

The Emotion Code and the Body Code are tools that can bring more light, love, and joy into your life, allowing you to grow into the blessed fullness of who you’re meant to be.
Alea Kent, Talent, Oregon

“Dr. Nelson’s teachings are an easy way to not only gain relief from aches and pains, but also sadness and depression...”

Dr. Nelson’s teachings are an easy way to not only gain relief from aches and pains, but also sadness and depression that is, if you will allow yourself a small amount of trust and faith in this simple method created by this truly remarkable person. Your life and the world we live in can become healthier and happier.
James Bean, North Ogden, Utah

“... you can be in alignment with your higher self and achieve your greatest potential.”

Dr. Nelson’s method is a gift to humanity. It can help you release the energetic triggers of your past, and as a result, you can be in alignment with your higher self and achieve your greatest potential.
Aisha Ahmed, Burlington, Canada

About Dr. Bradley Nelson

Dr. Bradley Nelson, DC (ret.), is a holistic chiropractor and medical intuitive, and one of the world’s foremost experts in the emerging fields of bioenergetic medicine and energy psychology. His bestselling book, The Emotion Code, helps people improve their health using the Emotion Code® technique. Users of his technique have experienced freedom from emotional and physical problems, including sadness, anxiousness, anger, fatigue, discomfort, and disease.

A key element of the Emotion Code is removing emotional baggage that may have clustered around the heart, interfering with one’s ability to find love and success. Dr. Brad has coined this cluster of emotions the “Heart-Wall,” which has been called the most important discovery in the history of energy medicine.

Dr. Brad, who graduated with honors from Life Chiropractic College West in San Lorenzo, California, has lectured internationally on alleviating chronic disease through energy work and the balancing of the six key elements of health in the body. He channeled his life’s work into a simple yet powerful self-study course known as The Body Code SystemTM, designed to teach students how to balance the body in these key areas.

Dr. Brad is a popular speaker on the international seminar circuit and travels to many countries around the globe, conducting Emotion Code seminars. A guest on countless radio and television shows, he has presented his timely message to millions around the world.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!

Q: How long will I have access to my Course Homepage and materials?
A: Your purchase includes 24/7 ongoing access to your course content online via your Homepage unless refunded or otherwise specified. We currently don't have an expiration date for our online materials. This will allow you time to review the materials at your own pace and integration.

Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
