For Seekers, Practitioners & Aspiring Energy Healing Professionals


With Author, Speaker & Intuitive Energy Healer
Cyndi Dale


PLUS Cyndi’s 7-Module Introductory Course, Radical Energy Healing!


Receive a Certification in Energy Healing upon satisfaction of all program requirements

Join Cyndi Dale and immerse yourself in her unique practical, spiritual, and energetic tools for self-healing and personal growth, clearing away blocks and claiming your authentic self, so you can become highly effective as a clinically based energetic healer for yourself and others.


Program Starts Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Open to a Limited Number of Students by Application Only


Want to know more? Click here to register for a free information session.


Dissolve trauma-infused ancestral programming to emerge as the most magnificent being you know you were born to be and then go on to facilitate the same kind of healing and transformation for others.

Sometimes we just can’t seem to activate the healing we need, even after we’ve seemingly tried every approach... physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

One reason may be that we’re drawing solely on resources from our 3-dimensional level of existence our physical reality.

According to preeminent intuitive healer Cyndi Dale, we simultaneously exist and operate at the intersection of four levels of reality the Elemental Pathway, the Power Pathway, the Imaginal Pathway, and the Divine Pathway. These realms of reality can be explained through contemporary and leading-edge science.

We’re excited to let you know about an extraordinary opportunity to participate in The Shift Network’s intensive Energy Healing Certification program with Cyndi. You’ll take a deep dive into four levels of reality that serve as gateways to an abundance of ancient knowledge with tools for the rapid and sustainable transformation of anything that ails you.

Cyndi teaches a powerful approach to energy healing that can help you address the issues that limit your ability to live the healthy, joyful, purpose-filled, and magical life that is your birthright. She calls it the 4-Pathways Discipline.

Becoming conscious of and learning to interact on all these levels enables you to perform energy healing in a structured and empowering way that can lead to exponential and magical changes within every aspect of your being... body, mind, and soul.

Cyndi has invited other world-class teachers, colleagues, and spiritual guides with expertise in a variety of specific areas to join her throughout the year and share their wealth of knowledge. These masters and mentors include: Dr. Lisa Yvetta Collins... Angela Segal, PhD... Lindsay Fauntleroy... Amanda Huggins... Dr. Shamini Jain... Bill McKenna... Steven A. Ross... Michael Sandler... Dr. C. Michael and Karla Scroggins... Kumu Ramsay Taum... and Kelly Sullivan Walden (see their bios below).

Also joining the core faculty team is Ofer Niv, an Energy Healing Educator whom Cyndi has specifically chosen to lead one of the three Integration Sessions per month. Ofer loves empowering others to embrace the tools and techniques they are learning and their own healing abilities". (more about Integration Sessions below).

In this life-altering program, Cyndi will guide you through a journey of incomparable depth and breadth, leading you through a comprehensive understanding of each of the pathways. She’ll provide you with a treasure chest of tools to empower you to profoundly examine and resolve any issues that plague you.

What are the 4 Pathways?

  • The Elemental Pathway is recognized as your material reality, created by the fundamentals of our everyday physical world. Here, you can catalyze profound transformation by addressing feelings and thoughts; applying colors, sound, and shapes; working on a molecular level; and making real-life, everyday choices that align with your most authentic self so you can manifest your best life.
  • The Power Pathway is where you make big, quick, decisive changes… overcoming issues that might not respond to interventions on the elemental, material pathway. Supernatural forces and large energies exist on this level, and engaging with them even with minimal effort can produce significant change.
  • The Imaginal Pathway is the level of reality where mystical and shamanic phenomena reside. Here, you can access other worlds and dimensions, past lives, and soul-based energy bodies and work with them to heal the past, access concurrent realities, and create the present and future you desire.
  • The Divine Pathway is all about love and spiritual unification. It’s a state of being, a profound knowing of Universal Oneness through which you can access angelic allies and higher level spiritual healing. On this level of reality, dis-ease is understood simply as a way to meet a need. When you decide to meet the need in a positive rather than negative way, healing and manifestation can occur.


This program is for you if:

  • You’re longing to free yourself of dis-ease, limitations, and darkness
  • You’re ready to undertake a rich, loving, self-healing process
  • You yearn for a thorough understanding of your spiritual purpose and gifts
  • You’re feeling called to share this profound knowledge and evolve into the most effective energy healing practitioner you can be

This wisdom-packed program offers an exceptional doorway into vast, exponential, and sustainable evolution both personally and professionally.


Throughout the year of this comprehensive training, Cyndi will share profound wisdom about life-changing energy healing concepts, while guiding you through powerful energetic self-healing techniques. You’ll emerge knowing how to heal and transform yourself when you encounter new events and circumstances throughout your life and provide this same healing for others.

You’ll transform personally and professionally as you:

  • Gain insights into your true nature and character
  • Deeply examine the issues and questions you seldom get to address such as the roles light and dark play in your desires, behaviors, and challenges in a container of support and love
  • Gain a profound understanding of your intuitive gifts and aptitudes  so you can accurately assess your position in life, identify what you came here to do, and channel your dreams into achievable goals 
  • Access inner and spiritual guidance for making decisions, both large and small
  • Explore concepts and techniques that will enable you throughout your life to show up as your most authentic self
  • Make heart-based, lifelong connections with your community of fellow students
  • Practice techniques for enhancing other self-enrichment processes you’re already exploring
  • Establish more effective protocols for achieving greater success
  • Release trauma standing in your way of achieving personal, financial, and career goals
  • Maintain your energetic and psychological boundaries
  • Make practical and sustainable choices
  • Achieve more balance, resilience, and fortitude
  • Deepen your grasp of the roles of various sources of energy and information
  • Release longtime bindings and attachments that may have been inhibiting or controlling you without your knowledge

The descriptions of the multi-session units further down this page detail the specific and comprehensive content of this program.


Want to know more? Click here to register for a free information session.


“To achieve excellence, we must also consider and work with what is not apparent, with what cannot be seen. We must journey into the complex world of subtle energies.”
Cyndi Dale



The Energy Healing Certification program provides a complete immersion into personal healing work and enhancement of one’s professional skills. Participants can liberate themselves from the obstacles hindering their desired life outcomes, while honing their abilities to assist others as healing-arts practitioners. 

Offering an extensive toolkit of energetic practices, this certification equips practitioners with both scientific and spiritual understanding in order to apply these tools in a deeply profound way. 

Covering a wide array of subjects and modalities  chakras; basic units of matter and energy; scientifically verified types of light; intuition; realms and dimensions; energetic sources of insight this program facilitates a comprehensive exploration of healing techniques.


The program is presented in a highly organized and thoughtfully designed program of live and pre-recorded sessions that builds sequentially to effectively integrate information and guide meditations throughout 8 units spanning several weeks each. 

Pre-recorded teaching content, taught by Cyndi Dale and a team of expert faculty, will be made available on Thursdays, and Live Integration Sessions with faculty are on Tuesdays both beginning at 10:00am Pacific.


  • Unit 1: Fundamental Tools & Energetic Systems Empowering Yourself on All Levels of Reality for Self-Healing
  • Unit 2: Energizing the Everyday Into the Amazing Through the Elemental Pathway
  • Unit 3: Harnessing Your Otherworldly Shamanic Potencies Through the Imaginal Pathway
  • Unit 4: Linking the Elemental & Imaginal Pathways for Further Transformations
  • Unit 5: Going for Adept Status Performing Safe & Powerful Energy Medicine Healings & Readings for Individuals & Groups
  • Unit 6: Magnifying Your Every Move Through Practices of the Power Pathway
  • Unit 7: Bringing About Healing Through Love on the Divine Pathway
  • Unit 8: Serving as the Higher Healer

For Curriculum Details, click here

Want to know more? Click here to register for a free information session.



  • 60-Minute Teaching Sessions From Cyndi Dale Available on Thursdays at 10:00am Pacific (50 Total)

    Experience a unique opportunity to be mentored and taught by preeminent intuitive healer Cyndi Dale through her 50 sessions of pre-recorded teaching content viewable online at your convenience. Each previously recorded teaching session guides you to deeply immerse yourself in comprehensive, practical, and spiritual teachings. You’ll receive experiential practices and opportunities to participate in one-on-one demonstrations to build your skills and catalyze profound transformation. 

    Pre-recorded sessions will be made available on the Program Homepage on consecutive Thursdays at 10:00am Pacific. Viewing all teaching sessions is a certification requirement and it is highly recommended to keep pace and access them in the order they are released.

  • Three 120-Minute Live Integration Sessions Per Month on Tuesdays at 10:00am Pacific (42 Total)

    As part of the core curriculum, Integration Sessions will be led by Cyndi or Ofer Niv for further immersion into the teachings, to explore a deeper understanding of the content, and provide an opportunity to work more closely with faculty, who will share sacred expertise and provide group direction. In these sessions, you’ll be able to ask questions as well as practice concepts and techniques you’ve learned under Cyndi and Ofer’s guidance. Cyndi will also illustrate the key components of a successful professional energy healing practice and incorporate group member contributions.

    Integration Sessions will be live on Tuesdays at 10:00am Pacific. If you are unable to attend any of the live sessions, they will be recorded and made available online. Attending all Integration Sessions, or accessing the recordings, is a certification requirement and it is highly recommended to keep pace and access them in the order they are released.

  • Live Weekly Practice Pod Sessions on Saturdays at 9:00am Pacific (48 Total)

    In recurring weekly sessions, you’ll meet with a facilitator and fellow students on Zoom to practice the healing protocols you’ve been learning. Each week, you’ll meet with one of the four program facilitators who have studied extensively with Cyndi Dale and are certified in her energy healing system. This structure allows more personalized discussions, experiences, and space to practice embodying the teachings. You’ll be required to attend at least one of these pods per month and attendance will be logged. To safeguard confidentiality, the pods will not be recorded, so they won’t be available to watch or review later. The practice pods will take place on Saturday mornings most weeks of the year.

  • Guest Faculty Workshops

    Access will be provided throughout the year to a variety of previously recorded online workshops on energy healing-related topics. In addition, there will be three live workshops presented on Tuesdays by guest faculty. These offerings will supplement and personalize your year-long experience as you gravitate to the topics that most interest you. To earn your certification, attending a minimum of four Guest Faculty Workshops throughout the year is required, although you’re welcome to attend as many as you’d like.

  • Video Recordings of Teaching Sessions, Integration Sessions, and Guest Faculty Workshops

    Digital video recordings will be available for you to stream in high-quality format of each Teaching Session, Integration Session, and Guest Faculty Workshop. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can watch anytime and anywhere at your convenience. 

  • Audio Recordings of Teaching Sessions, Integration Sessions, and Guest Faculty Workshops

    Audio recordings will be available for you to stream in high-quality MP3 format of each Teaching Session, Integration Session, and Guest Faculty Workshop. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can listen anytime and anywhere at your convenience.

  • Transcripts of Teaching Sessions, Integration Sessions, and Guest Faculty Workshops

    In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire session transcription of each Teaching Session, Integration Session, and Guest Faculty Workshop. You can then review, print, and highlight the insights and practices you found most impactful.

  • Practices and Questions for Each Unit

    The principles Cyndi teaches are best absorbed through direct experience. She’ll provide you with techniques and methodologies to practice between sessions to accelerate your learning and more deeply embody the material and you’ll complete a written reflection after each unit to demonstrate your understanding of the content.

  • Online Community

    Our exclusive online community is the perfect place to continue your discovery process after each session. Here, you can continue the discussion about your program materials and interact with your fellow students to take your exploration to an even deeper level.


Click on image for bio

Cyndi Dale Lead Faculty

Ofer Niv Integration Faculty


Dr. Lisa Yvetta Collins Author, Assistant Professor, and Racial Healing Leader

Lindsay Fauntleroy Founder of the Spirit Seed

Amanda Huggins Holistic Anxiety Coach, Author, Speaker & Podcast Host

Dr. Shamini Jain Founder and CEO of the Consciousness and Healing Initiative

Bill McKenna Author & Founder of the Cognomovement Systems

Steven A. Ross, PhD Co-founder & CEO of the World Research Foundation

Michael Sandler Popular Podcast Host, Author & Inspirational Speaker

Dr. C. Michael & Karla Scroggins Energy Work & Martial Arts

Angela Segal, PhD Self-Love Energy Medicine Practitioner and Psychologist

Kumu Ramsay Taum Founder & President of the Life Enhancement Institute of the Pacific

Kelly Sullivan Walden Dream Analyst, Hypnotherapist & Host of the “Ask Dr. Dream” Podcast



“This program is a huge opportunity for personal growth, if you’re willing to be touched profoundly and do some trauma work.”

This program is a huge opportunity for personal growth, if you’re willing to be touched profoundly and do some trauma work. It has gotten me closer to myself and to discovering and revealing who I really am. Cyndi Dale is an amazing teacher and counselor, and how The Shift Network is organizing every detail of this journey is outstanding.
Bo Maria, Paris, France

“... focusing on... aspects of my life that could not be uncovered by traditional healing, was life-changing.“

Spending a year focusing on myself and having time to reflect and dig deeper into aspects of my life that could not be uncovered by traditional healing, was life-changing.
Mandy, Chicago, Illinois

“I no longer feel like I have to hide my psychic and healing abilities to be safe.”

The most important revelation for me was my original soul wound and the effect it has had on many of my lifetimes, especially my current one. I no longer feel like I have to hide my psychic and healing abilities to be safe.
Leigh Smith, Orlando, Florida

“Cyndi is a great role model for trusting Source, guides, and personal and collective destiny.”

I feel more confident to apply the energy healing techniques with my astrology clients when appropriate. I have discovered aspects of my guides, my inner life, and my abilities that are being revealed as we speak. Cyndi is a great role model for trusting Source, guides, and personal and collective destiny. I definitely plan to continue in repeating the class.
Lila Bronons, Pasadena, California

“The year-long certification by Cyndi took me on a deep journey through myself, my past lives, and through the fabrics of reality.”

The year-long certification by Cyndi took me on a deep journey through myself, my past lives, and through the fabrics of reality. It’s been great to link together my scientific understandings with spiritual practice. For me, as someone who self-taught and practiced for many years, it’s been infinitely valuable to bridge gaps between knowledge and understanding, and to connect concepts together. I have such a more detailed understanding of what healers have done with me in the past, because now I know the techniques!
Mica Armstrong, Great Britain

“... aligning my entire being with the Divine Universe where everything is ease and grace and, most importantly, love.”

This program assisted me from being very overly aligned with everything in the Polarity Universe where things are difficult, everything is work and effort, and bad things often happen... to aligning my entire being with the Divine Universe where everything is ease and grace and, most importantly, love.
Amy, San Carlos, California

“Thank you for giving me my life back.”

I have a long line of drug abuse, tobacco use, and alcohol abuse in my family. It took almost the full year with Cyndi to go from helplessness to being accountable and having pure love for self and wanting to be the last generation that has this problem. I no longer smoke, drink, or do any drugs at all. I am clear of the voice that says to do it, and have gone so far back to heal the original ancestors and their trauma. My ancestors are so happy. My family who is alive is not too happy yet but maybe someday they will learn to love themselves too. Thank you for giving me my life back.
Melannie Smith, California


Curriculum Details

Weekly teachings will be uploaded every Thursday. Live Integration Sessions will occur on three Tuesdays per month at 10:00am Pacific.

Unit 1: Fundamental Tools & Energetic Systems Empowering Yourself on All Levels of Reality for Self-Healing (May 28 to July 23)


You’ll dive deep into the four pathways of energy healing:

  • The Elemental Pathway the fundamental building blocks of the material world
  • The Imaginal Pathway the shamanic portals and magical dimensions
  • The Power Pathway access to supernatural forces and qualities
  • The Divine Pathway attunement to miraculous states and activities

The 4-Pathways Discipline provides a structured and empowering approach that allows transformation on every level of your being body, mind, and soul.

These pathways are different levels of reality on which everyone operates and interacting through them can unlock exponential and magical change.

During Unit 1, you’ll explore:

  • The primary tools and concepts for advancing physically, psychologically, and spiritually along any of the pathways so you can emerge more whole, enlightened, and joyful
  • Activities and practices that combine ancient and modern wisdom with the rigors of science
  • Practicing masterful energy work on yourself and others
  • Introductory knowledge and experiences around each of the four pathways and the galvanizing powers you can unlock from each
  • In-depth scientific and spiritual components of some of the major energies and universal structures that underlie life, and how they support high-level transformation… including primary and secondary grids, universes, levels, and fields of energy that cause and stop negative patterns
  • The basics of the 12-chakra system and the structure of each chakra, which can enable you to analyze and shift energy for anything from major illnesses to emotional challenges 
  • The types of deep blocks that prevent the embodiment of spirit
  • Practices featuring your new vital energy healing toolkit that includes three types of light (Absolute, Virtual, and Polarity); Scalar Waves/Streams of Grace; and the all-important God Spot
  • Insights and practices around the 12 types of intuition (divided into 4 categories) 
  • The fundamentals of how to distinguish between light and dark spirit-guidance
  • How to achieve mastery of your inner vision through hearing, sensing, and knowing
  • Guided meditations, demonstrations, and excavations into these all-powerful processes and their corresponding data so you can immediately begin to uplift your life and spirits

Unit 2: Energizing the Everyday Into the Amazing Through the Elemental Pathway (July 25 to September 17)


Interacting on the Elemental Pathway is key to composing a truly meaningful life one that helps transform challenges into a basis for abundance, emotional stability, financial steadiness, expressive creativity, physical wellbeing... and of course, love.

On this pathway, you’ll empower yourself to assess and shift the foundational building blocks of your physical reality.

This is the place and space of polarity light, where you heal your past wounds, land in the present, and help create a future through interacting with the most primal of energy principles.

You’ll gain an understanding of energy structures like light and sound as well as negatively, positively, and neutrally charged wave particles and examine the science and spirituality behind these components.

During Unit 2, you’ll explore:

  • An extensive toolkit of teachings and practices based on energy healing fundamentals
  • Scientific and practical working knowledge of the basic energetic wave particles and fields of energy that make up everything within and around you including light, sound, and electromagnetic frequencies and how simple shifts of these units can initiate small to significant transformations
  • The empowering ability to move the most vital energetic bodies and fields of nature including the ground-rooting Vivaxis (the energy plumb line that runs through your navel)
  • Ways to tap into the subtle and natural energy lines of the Earth and Cosmos plus, the opportunity to receive signs and open yourself up to a totem
  • How to attune to the red serpent Kundalini and the safest way to activate and guide it upward to fuel your life energy, healing, manifesting, and joy
  • The existence of your kanda, an in-body access to the spine and nervous system
  • A deep comprehension of the role of feelings and beliefs (or emotions) and how to unpin them for full freedom in the most graceful way including the 3 fundamental tools available for finding and releasing entities and dark forces
  • The fundamental building blocks of everyday reality, a rich composite of subjects including subtle elements, colors, shapes, numbers, and sounds and the frequencies of food, water, and other bodily needs

Unit 3: Harnessing Your Otherworldly Shamanic Potencies Through the Imaginal Pathway (September 19 to November 19)


What might you accomplish with full access to, and activation of, your otherworldly mystical powers?

On the Imaginal Pathway, the shamanic capabilities for visiting the known and unknown worlds lie within you. They make it possible to uncover mysteries, access past lives, discover ancestral and interplanetary powers, and forge links to potent antidotes for just about anything.

You’ll meet your eighth chakra (or mystical) self, then dive right into using a toolkit employed by shamans across time.

During Unit 3, you’ll explore:

  • Personal transformation through soul journeying, uncovering and repairing your main soul wound, exploring ancestral and soul issues, activating past-life abilities, the practice of futuring, and more
  • Creating change in all levels of your life as you heal from matters of darkness and access the records of the soul
  • The roots of your own shamanic powers and temperament, located above your head in the caches of the eighth chakra
  • The depths of your soul’s gifts and perform deep-level healing work
  • The science of time, space, and other worlds and how to tap your mystical motivations for following the threads of time and space into your ancestor’s lives, past lives, parallel lives, and future times... to shape the here and now
  • Approaches for making actual changes in everyday reality through such vehicles as the meridian-based ming men doorway, which is available during pre-conception, and interactions along the astral plane
  • Parting the veils separating you from other realms and worlds employing the Arabic Imaginal Realm concept to link with other planets and the spirits of plants and animals... using storytelling and dreamwalking for healing and creating
  • How to probe the Akashic and Shadow Records and the 4 Zones of the Soul (white, gray, red, and black) for phenomenal healing, entity-releasing, and life-energy building
  • The mirrors of the Imaginal Pathway to afford the simplest way to shift energies between spaces

Unit 4: Linking the Elemental & Imaginal Pathways for Further Transformations (November 21 to December 19)


At this point in your journey, you’ve already initiated great changes in your life.

You’ve accelerated your healing, activated spiritual gifts, and deepened your sense of soul. Now it’s time to strengthen your powers and advance your self-transformation with activities that blend the Elemental and Imaginal Pathways.

During Unit 4, you’ll discover:

  • The roles of physical, psychological, and subtle energies and charges in the creation of physiological and psychological trauma and simple ways to alleviate the after-impact of trauma on every level
  • The scientific and energetic world of microbes  and ways to implement your knowledge of the subtle elements to create more balance and ease where inflammation and disease exist
  • How to interact on all levels with your energy field, encompassing the powers available through the external energy egg as well as the tenth auric field the shaman’s rich fount of data and ancestral, past, and future connections
  • How to tap into your body’s gamma consciousness, a guru-level state of being that enables pure healing while simultaneously existing in the everyday world
  • Ways to combine gamma consciousness with changes in the body’s storage of trauma in the infra-low brain state
  • The ninth chakra, the beautiful gold energy body above the head that holds keys to unlocking health and wellbeing
  • How to empty your Imaginal Realm knowledge to invite spirit allies to bring you everything you need for supporting goodness, health, and peace
  • How to clear and recover from negative imprints of past lives, ancestors, and events from this life
  • Deep trauma-healing to help clear everything from physical challenges to addictions to nourishment issues
  • Insights into the subtle elements to change your relationship with the main microbial families  with the goal of alleviating negative patterns and inflammation in the body
  • How to work within the energetic field, where you’ll perform healing and invite manifestation  before jumping into the exciting exploration of your ninth chakra and its keys to change

Unit 5: Going for Adept Status Performing Safe & Powerful Energy Medicine Healings & Readings for Individuals & Groups (January 21, 2025 to March 11)


There is a great deal of skill involved in working on others energetically.

Whether you’re offering an intuitive assessment or performing a healing, interacting with an individual or a group your effectiveness and confidence can increase as you implement each new concept and technique.

Even if you’re quite experienced, there is always more to explore to achieve the status of an adept energy medicine healer.

Cyndi will guide you in how to approach a session and how to use all the methods of your intuition, while maintaining boundaries for yourself and others. She’ll share the best ways to deal with friction or a variety of feelings that might arise within you or others.

Cyndi will also walk you through other intricacies and complexities, such as how to present feedback if you believe the other person will reject it and how to know when to hold back or not. You’ll take into account the matters of spirit, such as figuring out how to assist others (and yourself) if dark entities or forces intrude.

You’ll delve into the practical matters, the science, and all things spiritual, so you can confidently soar as a practitioner.

During Unit 5, you’ll:

  • Discover the Healer’s Code of Ethics adapted from the American Medical Association pledge and customized for energy work and further adapt the guidelines to create your personal Energy Healer’s Oath
  • Explore the best ways to respond to common challenges that energy healing practitioners can face during a session from an angry client to sourcing among spirit allies
  • Develop stronger powers and boundaries, enabling you to constantly evaluate and filter energetic sources
  • Find ways to expand your access and understanding of sources by applying the ancient Arabic concept of the Imaginal Realms
  • Expand your understanding of clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairempathy to improve how you facilitate each basic intuitive style  including how to offer new points of view, move data between chakras, and transform empathy into images or words
  • Unlock advanced methods for dealing with spiritual darkness
  • Participate in demonstrations, role-playing, and practice sessions, so you can situationally build and apply energetic tools

Unit 6: Magnifying Your Every Move Through Practices of the Power Pathway (March 13 to May 13)


The Power Pathway is glorious. When attuned to it, you can summon significant forces, qualities, and energies.

Often, issues you aren’t able to effectively address remain difficult because of events on the Power Pathway. There are generative and degenerative forces there huge streams of energy that can either create or destroy.

By learning about and practicing within the Power Pathway, you create the possibility for significant, fast-acting change.

During Unit 6, you’ll discover:

  • The Power Pathway, a space filled with forces and qualities that can create enormous and swift change
  • How to direct unique forces, virtues, and other spiritual qualities either on your own, or with various helpful beings of the Power Pathway
  • The “setting of the seals” lenses over the chakras that, when properly established, enable you to steer and direct creative and healing energies at optimum speed and intensity
  • Forces, virtues, and rays on the Power Pathway that serve the higher good
  • An array of beings that can help you identify the higher needs of your clients
  • Various energy bodies available through the Power Pathway, such as the gold, platinum, life-spirit, and superluminal bodies
  • How to help clients accept the most empowering of the transformative energies interaction with microbes and the spine/kanda through the Power Pathway
  • A special form of Kundalini that affects only positive transformation, providing a vital way of preparing the chakras to be true instruments of vitality

Unit 7: Bringing About Healing Through Love on the Divine Pathway (May 15 to July 1)


The Divine Pathway is a state rather than a place. It’s the place we all call “home” in our souls.

To be of service to your clients and align with the Divine Pathway, you must first activate your radiant Kundalini. You can then interact with the various angels on this pathway, as can your clients.

It’s also important here to achieve the consciousness states of hyper-gamma, lambda, and epsilon, using the theta brainwave as an inviting doorway. These are the states that have been scientifically shown to be unique to higher-level gurus, healers, and masters.

Matters of dark and light hold a different meaning on this pathway, as the spiritual laws are nonjudgmental. They allow you and your clients to create shifts through willingness, alignment with divine will, and finding a healthy way to meet a true need.

During Unit 7, you’ll discover:

  • The empowering principles of healing through the Divine Pathway
  • The spiritual laws that enable the healing powers of love and compassion for all traumatic conditions including through obtaining hyper-gamma, lambda, and epsilon consciousness states, activating the “enlightenment bodies” as a healer, and activating the Keys of Destiny
  • Access to the angelic beings available through the Divine Pathway and the advanced use of performing readings and healings through what Cyndi calls the miracle body
  • How to invite a client into physical and psychological change, such as through the activation of positive neurotransmitters and hormones in the body and the star seed of destiny
  • Ways to address the “bowls of existence” (or universal themes of darkness) within a client that underpin all trauma and stress
  • How to fully activate the Celestial Wishing Tree, a powerful center for manifestation
  • Divine principles for co-facilitating change in your clients’ neurology, microbial communities, and connective tissue
  • The transformation of your own chakras and energy fields into pure light  so you can guide clients through the same process (and heal the molecular gaps discussed in Unit 1)

Unit 8: Serving as an Elevated Healer (July 3 to July 29)


You’ve undergone quite the journey, internally and externally. Before you set forth on your next grand adventure, there are a few additional key concepts and techniques that will help cement your position as a truly elevated healer.

Cyndi will review some basic concepts, including using your intuitive (and siddhi) gifts when engaging with a client or group. One byproduct of the Divine Pathway is the merging of these abilities into a state called numinosity in which all becomes clear, and all healing energies are shared instantaneously.

As you practice this ability on others, you’ll also delve into employing the Power Pathway and Divine Pathway concepts of self-creation and divine will, enabling you to assist clients who want to forge their best possible future.

Cyndi will also share an advanced exploration of the Celestial Wishing Tree... and the scientific evidence that supports it.

You’ll integrate your knowledge of all the pathways to learn and practice a simple way to heal performing psychic surgery with light and sound.

You’ll round out your time together with a rousing exploration of the Planes of Light levels of learning mainly available to those on the other side of the veil, yet equally critical for the conscious healer.

You’ll complete your sessions with a celebration of all the love, wisdom, and power you’ve embodied during your time together. Upon completion of Unit 8 and all program requirements, you’ll receive a certificate affirming that you’ve been educated and trained as a professional energy healer.

During Unit 8, you’ll:

  • Explore the higher resolution of intuitive gifts called numinosity and how to use this capability for receiving data and delivering healing to neutralize the koshas, sheaths that cover various aspects of ourselves
  • Look into the science and spirituality of futuring to help your clients make best-case decisions
  • Learn how to employ the Celestial Wishing Tree to unlock advanced transformational abilities
  • Perform psychic surgery with light and sound
  • Fold the wisdom of the Planes of Light and the highest of dimensions into a client’s everyday existence so they can seamlessly execute life’s daily activities and establish true purpose
  • Experience a final celebration of gifts and friends met along the way, and a healing practice for the world


Invest in yourself and enhance your personal growth while making a meaningful impact in the world by enrolling in The Shift Network's Energy Healing Certification.

Explore your questions and concerns with The Shift Network’s program manager in one of our free upcoming information sessions leading up to the beginning of the program available Tuesdays at 3:00pm Pacific and Fridays at 11:00am Pacific. Click here to register for a session.

To ensure that each person receives an abundance of rich learning and support in this exclusive program, it’s open only to a Limited Number of Students.




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$5,349 USD

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Want to know more? Click here to register for a free information session.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the cost and do you offer payment plans?


A: The investment is $5,349 USD if paid in full (payment plans available). Access to the 7-module introductory course, Radical Energy Healing (complete with bonuses), is included in the cost of this certification. If you apply now with a payment plan, your first payment will be due upon registration, and subsequent payments will be automatically processed every 30 days until complete. The total payment plan price includes a finance charge. Any applicable discounts will be deducted from the total amount at the time of purchase.

The $100 application processing fee is non-refundable.

Q: Are scholarships available?


A: A limited number of partial scholarships are available. For more information and to apply for a partial scholarship, click here. (Do not fill out a regular program application or submit payment if you wish to be considered for a partial scholarship.)

If you are awarded a scholarship and enroll in the program, your purchase will be non-refundable.

Q: What is the refund policy?


A: The $100 application processing fee is non-refundable.

A refund for the program, minus the application fee, is available for any reason on or before Midnight Pacific on June 13, 2024. Refunds will not be available after this date.

To request a refund, please click on this refund request form and submit your request. Qualifying refunds will be processed within five business days of submitting your request and an email confirming the refund will be sent. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at and we’ll be happy to help! (No refund requests accepted after the above date or with scholarships.)

What are the program details and schedule for this certification program?


A: All sessions will be held online live through Zoom. There will not be any in-person engagement.

The certification program starts on May 28, 2024, and ends on July 29, 2025. There are breaks built into the program with a month off from December 20, 2024 to January 20, 2025.

60-Minute Teaching Sessions From Cyndi Dale Available on Thursdays at 10:00am Pacific (50 Total)
Experience a unique opportunity to be mentored and taught by preeminent intuitive healer Cyndi Dale through her 50 sessions of pre-recorded teaching content viewable online at your convenience. Each previously recorded teaching session guides you to deeply immerse yourself in comprehensive, practical, and spiritual teachings. You’ll receive experiential practices and opportunities to participate in one-on-one demonstrations to build your skills and catalyze profound transformation.

Pre-recorded sessions will be made available on the Program Homepage on consecutive Thursdays at 10:00am Pacific. Viewing all teaching sessions is a certification requirement and it is highly recommended to keep pace and access them in the order they are released.

Three 120-Minute Live Integration Sessions Per Month on Tuesdays at 10:00am Pacific (42 Total)
As part of the core curriculum, Integration Sessions will be led by Cyndi or Ofer Niv for further immersion into the teachings, to explore a deeper understanding of the content, and provide an opportunity to work more closely with faculty, who will share sacred expertise and provide group direction. In these sessions, you’ll be able to ask questions as well as practice concepts and techniques you’ve learned under Cyndi and Ofer’s guidance. Cyndi will also illustrate the key components of a successful professional energy healing practice and incorporate group member contributions.

Integration Sessions will be live on Tuesdays at 10:00am Pacific. If you are unable to attend any of the live sessions, they will be recorded and made available online. Attending all Integration Sessions, or accessing the recordings, is a certification requirement and it is highly recommended to keep pace and access them in the order they are released.

Live Weekly Practice Pod Sessions on Saturdays at 9:00am Pacific (42 Total)
In recurring weekly sessions, you’ll meet with a facilitator and fellow students on Zoom to practice the healing protocols you’ve been learning. Each week, you’ll meet with one of the four program facilitators who have studied extensively with Cyndi Dale and are certified in her energy healing system. This structure allows more personalized discussions, experiences, and space to practice embodying the teachings. You’ll be required to attend at least one of these pods per month and attendance will be logged. To safeguard confidentiality, the pods will not be recorded, so they won’t be available to watch or review later. The practice pods will take place on Saturday mornings most weeks of the year.

Guest Faculty Workshops
Access will be provided throughout the year to a variety of previously recorded online workshops on energy healing-related topics. In addition, there will be three live workshops presented on Tuesdays by guest faculty. These offerings will supplement and personalize your year-long experience as you gravitate to the topics that most interest you. To earn your certification, attending a minimum of four Guest Faculty Workshops throughout the year is required, although you’re welcome to attend as many as you’d like.

If I participate, how many hours per month should I plan to dedicate to this certification program?


A: This will vary, depending on whether you choose to attend all offerings or the minimum requirement, but on average, you can expect to spend approximately 20-24 hours per month on this program.


Still have questions? We invite you to visit our extended FAQ page.



Throughout this year of focused self-healing and comprehensive training, you’ll gain profound understanding and hone powerful healing and intuitive skills learning to apply them to your personal growth while maximizing your clients’ transformations and your own professional success. 

When you participate in this certification program, you’ll emerge with:

  • Deepened intuitive gifts, knowledge, skill, courage, and access to powers that will support your everyday life and help you move forward into a brilliant future
  • An understanding of your place in your world and the world at large
  • A plethora of practical ways developed by Cyndi over 30 years to work with clients who are facing a variety of challenges... or with whom you’re experiencing conflict
  • Your own code of ethics and practices that are perfectly aligned with your personal brand of integrity
  • Many hours of practice conducting healing sessions with your fellow students in a variety of scenarios, preparing you to use all the tools you have acquired throughout the year with future clients
  • The ability to set appropriate energetic boundaries and maintain them
  • A profound capacity for compassion with your clients without getting lost in their issues or drama
  • Your own areas of specialization with clients

At the end of this program, you’ll receive a certificate affirming that you’ve been educated and trained as a professional energy healer, helping you create, or continue to effectively build, your own energy healing practice.


Cevie Penda Touré: “There’s a Presence of Love in Cyndi’s Teachings”

Mary Kern: “This Material Has Created Magic and Miracles on a Regular Basis”

Leigh Smith: “I Learned a Lot About Myself That I Didn’t Expect”

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I am blown away by the quality provided by The Shift Network the magnitude, the depth, the intelligence, the knowledge, and the teaching… is nothing short of amazing!
Dominique P. Gervais


You will receive an email on the status of your application within five business days of submission.
