With Spiritual Teacher
Miranda Macpherson
A 10-module On-demand Video Training

Open to the Boundless Love within you and access deep trust and nurturing calm to experience all of life’s circumstances as blessings, bringing you greater freedom and fulfillment.

Discover how this abundant love within is what you’ve been seeking all along and how to touch into its grace your truest self and connection to God whenever you need to.


We all need and want love...

Yet love is not a commodity that we get or give. It’s who we truly are.

So why then does it often feel so elusive and conditional like something we lack and need to obtain?

Because as human beings, in the process of forming our personalities and becoming adults, we lose our connection with grace the presence of God within us and the Boundless Love that’s the indestructible depth of our own heart.

Our upbringing and cultural conditioning cause us to create “ego boundaries,” which stop us from loving freely AND from receiving the love we truly long for.

These boundaries also cause us to lose touch with the nurturing ground this innate love can provide during our most challenging times divorce, loss of a loved one, aging, an unexpected diagnosis, the end of a career or financial stresses.

We cut ourselves off from the living stream of grace within, that state of Boundless Love that can awaken our deeper trust, support our surrender in the face of hardship, resolve our feelings of emptiness and lack, and bring us “home” to God’s presence within us.

“Love is who we are when our heart is at rest in pure being.”
Miranda Macpherson

The good news is that there’s a way back to this sacred place of Boundless Love within you.

And when you’ve learned how to melt away your boundaries to love, including the ego strategies you’ve unknowingly adopted, you’ll not only be able to welcome in this grace (that’s actually always been there) you’ll learn to see life’s challenges as gateways to this grace.

When you open to the Boundless Love within you, you experience deeper wisdom, more abundant love and a more spiritually rich life.

You learn to accept the exact ingredients of your life as your personal curriculum of awakening.

The Power of an Authentic, Awake Teacher


The new Living in Boundless Love program is led by Miranda Macpherson, a remarkable female mystic who underwent a life-changing spiritual awakening that shifted the core of her being and prepared her to lead others in catalyzing deep shifts.

After 20 years of dedicated spiritual study and practice, Miranda was graced by a powerful awakening in the same cave in Arunachala, India, that Hindu sage Ramana Maharshi once called home. Her concepts of self, God and world, gave way to a deep silence.

She then underwent a great unravelling of her familiar ego identity that initiated powerful changes in all aspects of her life. It took her years to stabilize this awakening, integrate its wisdom, and learn how to guide others to live daily life from this deeper ground.

Since then, Miranda has emerged as a truly global spiritual teacher. She speaks with the refreshing candor born of her Australian roots. She draws from a deep study of world religions and practices as an interfaith minister. And she’s well-versed in many modern systems of psycho-spiritual growth.

Miranda’s teaching methods marry an exquisite and piercing capacity for clear insight with an overflowing, loving heart that will help you to liberate feelings of unworthiness and the fear of receiving love.

She’ll guide you in shedding the conditioning that obscures the Boundless Love within the truth of who you really are and help you approach your core wound of love with tenderness and self-forgiveness.

You’ll also discover how to navigate differences and conflict in your important relationships to help you to rededicate these sacred connections as healing temples of Boundless Love itself.

In Living in Boundless Love, Miranda will offer you a distinctly feminine perspective on non-dual spiritual realization that leads to the discovery of new dimensions of grace.

She’ll help you to open your heart and invite you to experience Boundless Love and live with a deeper awareness of and appreciation for the beauty and mystery of life no matter your circumstances.


During these ten modules with Miranda, you’ll learn to relax the efforting the trying to get love and attempts to emotionally flee your challenges.

You’ll be guided through the common pitfalls we all experience in our quest for love, inner calm and peace, and discover how to embrace everything as a gateway to Boundless Love, freedom and fulfillment.

And you’ll be invited to experience this awakening as a living, pulsating awareness that permeates every aspect of your body and being.

You’ll also discover how to bring these deep realizations into your daily life to become a more conscious and spiritually mature human being.

To live in a state of boundless love in which you see all things as an expression of the Divine, you need to integrate and include all the parts of yourself that seem to be obstacles on your path of awakening.

By exploring and embracing the full spectrum of your humanity AS a reflection of your divinity, you can relax into the Boundless Love within you and stop resisting so much of your experience of life.

You open to the profound blessing of each and every moment.

This is what it means to open to the stream of grace within you to see everything as a blessing and an expression of love.


During 10 heart-opening modules with Miranda, you’ll:

  • Understand the inevitable fall from grace into separation from love, as part of the human condition
  • Recognize how your attempts to get love, become lovable or earn love drive you to seek externally, while holding together your sense of separation
  • Discover how to embrace the exact situations of your life as your personal curriculum for your next level of liberation and spiritual maturity
  • Learn how to relax your plan for the fulfillment of your longing, and instead enter in and through what is arising, allowing authentic surrender
  • Sense into presence and find true inner ground independent of mind through simple somatic cues
  • Discover game changing spiritual keys to accessing inner support and true resiliency, rather than “trying to support yourself”
  • Clearly understand the spiritual purpose of human relationship as a sacred vessel for transformation and liberation
  • Dissolve the subtle conflict between love and freedom
  • Find your prayer that brings you back to living in love

Only when you stop searching for and trying to get love, when you learn how to melt away your ego boundaries and when you accept and embrace what you see as your imperfections, can you reclaim the beauty, majesty and perfection of your true identity as pure, Boundless Love.

Grace is always present. It is within you, as the heart.
The moment you let the mind drop into the heart,
Grace rushes forth, sprouting as from a spring within you.
Ramana Maharshi


What You’ll Discover in These 10 Modules

In this 10-module transformational training, Miranda will offer you an opportunity to integrate love and unity into your life through the non-dual state of unconditional allowing. You’ll more deeply understand your deepest nature as love, open beyond your mental boundaries and to greater freedom and fulfillment.

Each contemplation and training session will build harmoniously upon the next so that you’ll develop a complete, holistic understanding of the practices, tools and principles you’ll need to open to and experience the Boundless Love within you.


This program is divided into three sections, each with a specific emphasis:

“Opening to Boundless Love.”
Modules 1 and 2 give an overview of love as the ultimate nondual ground of your being and natural state of your heart. You’ll discover how relaxing your plan for the fulfillment of your longing, and instead entering in and through what is arising in any given moment, can allow for authentic surrender and love’s sustaining presence to emerge.

“Dissolving the Blocks to Love’s Presence.”
Modules 3 to 5 dive into turning everything into the path of awakening, which requires you to deepen your capacity to be present, open and compassionate with your defenses. You’ll discover and practice ego relaxation to melt these defenses. You’ll also become aware of your fears of vulnerability, which may be blocking you from receiving the reality of unconditional love for just being.

“Embodying Boundless Love in the Everyday.”
Modules 6 and 7 explore a feminine approach to awakening and its ways for navigating differences and embracing truth in relationship and your everyday life. You’ll practice letting go of fear, separation, projection, judgment and self-centeredness and discover human relationships as the most powerful crucibles for authentic awakening.


3 Integration & Deepening Sessions With Miranda


Woven in as part of the 10 teaching modules, Miranda will join you for three special integration sessions via streaming video, where she’ll begin with chanting, meditation and a review and deepening of the previous modules. Then, you’ll move into “satsang,” where Miranda will work more deeply with your questions, grapplings and realizations. This is where the teachings come vividly to life in response to the group field.




Module 1: Relaxing the Search for Love (Recorded June 28)


Discover the fall from grace that happens to all human beings in the process of childhood ego development, and which grounds us in a state of separation from the love that is the indestructible depth of our own heart.

Miranda will share her experience of awakening into the non-dual state of Boundless Love that arose out of a deep depression at the age of 13. She’ll speak to the transforming presence of love that melts your ego boundaries and connects you to the living stream of grace within, and how it powerfully opens your vision of reality.

You’ll discover how the state of Boundless Love awakens deeper trust, supports surrender, resolves the inner poverty of lack, and gives you easier access to deeper dimensions of God-consciousness.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • Love as the ultimate nondual ground of your being, the natural state of your heart, and who you are minus your personality
  • The inevitable fall from grace into separation from love, as part of the human condition
  • How your attempts to get love, become lovable or earn love drive you to seek externally, while holding together your sense of separation
  • How to discriminate between the ego’s view of love and the vision of Boundless Love
  • How “ego relaxation” helps us receive love’s sustaining presence, which helps us thrive and deepen wherever we find ourselves on the path

Module 2: Entering Your Deepest Longings & Life Challenges (Recorded July 5)


Everything that life brings us carries an invitation to grow wiser, deeper and richer spiritually even when it appears to be a tragedy. In this module, you’ll explore what’s knocking on the inner door of your soul your longings for the next level of expansion and the challenges of your life at this time.

You’ll discover how to enter challenges as a pilgrimage home, accepting the exact ingredients of your life as your personal curriculum of awakening not as circumstances to strategize against or problems to fix.

This is a radical and beautiful teaching on how to embrace everything subtle inner callings, relational difficulties, the challenges of aging and illness, financial stress, bereavement and the unexpected, as a gateway into deeper wisdom.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • What it is you truly long for and why
  • How to embrace the exact situations of your life as your personal curriculum for the next level of liberation and spiritual maturity
  • How to relax your plan for the fulfillment of your longing, and instead enter in and through what is arising, allowing authentic surrender
  • How to become more intimate with the deeper truth of your heart
  • A fresh non-denominational approach to prayer

Integration Session & Extended Satsang #1 (Recorded July 12)

These special integration sessions will start with chanting, meditation and a review and deepening of the previous modules. You will then move into “satsang” where Miranda will work more deeply with your questions, grapplings and realizations. This is where the teachings come vividly to life in response to the group field.

You’ll see and experience more substantially how holistic inquiry helps us harness absolutely everything into a gateway to grace, clarify confusions, and receive the blessing that happens when any one of us drops in and through our own consciousness. For many, satsang is a powerful highlight of working with Miranda.



Module 3: Cultivating Presence & Compassion for Your Defenses (Recorded July 19)


Turning everything into the path of awakening demands that you learn to cease rejecting the curriculum of your life. This requires you to deepen your capacity to be present, open and compassionate with your defenses. These defenses, your ego reactivity, including patterns of fear and control, represent suffering that has not yet been liberated whether from your family history, relational heartbreaks or karmic patterning.

Exploring and opening to these patterns calls for a mature and curious approach to your humanity. And in this session, you’ll receive potent teachings including powerful somatic practices to help you cultivate presence and relax your ego struggle to find your deeper ground inside, even in the face of life challenges. Receiving this deeper ground that always is provides a true platform to open your heart all the way towards your own suffering and that of others.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • Your habits of closure, honestly and kindly, as well as what keeps your reactivity active
  • Your key defenses to love, how you leave our own heart, and the forces behind these automatic contractions
  • How to sense into presence and find true inner ground, independent of mind, through simple somatic cues
  • Game changing spiritual keys to accessing inner support and true resiliency, rather than “trying to support yourself”
  • Cultivating the will and capacity to stay present and feel everything (so it is not just OK but positively empowering!)

Module 4: Liberating Unworthiness & the Fear of Receiving (Recorded July 26)


Whenever we experience any lack of love in our early life, our survival instinct drives us to draw a conclusion that we must not be worthy of love that we need to fulfill some ideal, become different or better in order to receive it.

Unfortunately, this conclusion becomes the foundation of our familiar identity, limiting our experience of love and often keeping the possibility of greater relational fulfillment at bay. Additionally, driving this is the hidden fear that love will melt all of our defences, leaving us too vulnerable. In this session, you’ll explore what will happen to “me” (your ego structure) if you receive the reality of unconditional love for just being.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • What you’ve learned to do to earn, deserve or prove yourself worthy of love
  • How this plays out in your spiritual and relational life now
  • Bringing your strategies, demands and fears to the light of awareness, and letting love’s transforming presence melt your armor
  • How to relax and ground through the experience of vulnerability
  • The power of practicing ego relaxation in the face of our subtle demands
  • Receiving and resting more substantially in love’s healing presence

Module 5: Dropping Through & Beyond Your Core Wound of Love (Recorded August 9)


Our ego is full of hidden conflicts, making us defend most heavily against what we say we most want, commonly manifesting as resistance in our spiritual practice and relationships. Since love’s presence is a force that melts our boundaries, it can feel threatening to let go of wounds and habits of closure, in ways that do not often make rational sense but can have powerful effects in our lives.

In this session, Miranda will guide you through a deep inquiry into what you regard as a primary problem in your life, practicing ego relaxation with it, and then taking a deep dive into the depths of your being to let loving awareness meet the specific forces that hold your core wound in place. Prepare to discover that not only is there nothing to fear and no real need for your historical defenses, but that you are a lot more beautiful than you knew!

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • Your core wound or limitation around love
  • Practicing ego relaxation with this
  • Entering in and through to meet the forces that hold this in place
  • Meeting everything you find in your “basement” with love
  • Discovering what shines in the deeper basement of your being
  • Resting as the presence of Boundless Love and awareness through an extended guided meditation

Integration Session & Extended Satsang #2 (Recorded August 16)

This session will begin with chanting and meditation and include a review and deepening of the material of the past few sessions in “Healing the Blocks to Love.” You will then move into “satsang” where Miranda will work more deeply with your questions, grapplings and realizations. This is where the teachings come vividly to life in response to the group field.

You’ll see and experience more substantially how holistic inquiry helps us harness absolutely everything into a gateway to grace, clarify confusions, and receive the blessing that happens when any one of us drops in and through our own consciousness. For many, satsang is a powerful highlight of working with Miranda.



Module 6: Navigating Difference, Conflict & Ruptures With a Wise and Loving Heart (Recorded August 23)


Living a rich and meaningful life means dedicating ourselves to be a presence of love in the world, and that begins with the people closest to us in everyday life our spouse, children, parents, colleagues and friends. And when we live in Boundless Love, we’re called to shift the common confusion that love means things will always be harmonious, we should always accommodate others’ needs (or they ours) and that anger is not spiritual!

In this session, you’ll discover how to navigate the challenges that arise in the realities of love through embracing truth in multiple perspectives, opening to THE way not “my” way.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • How to stay grounded, present and undefended to be more graceful with difference
  • Listening to the invitations even within conflict
  • How to forgive yourself when you fall out of loving awareness
  • How to return to love after a rupture with a loved one
  • How to view and experience such ruptures as crucibles that can grow you the most into spiritual maturity

Module 7: Turning Your Relationships Into Healing Temples (Recorded August 30)


The more we’re identified with our ego, which separates us from love, the more we unconsciously approach relationships with the intention of getting love. We subtly manipulate others to dance around our fears and prop up our ego insecurities, which, of course, thwarts the possibility for living in love in a way that truly lets everyone thrive.

In this session, we’ll explore these unconscious vows that we can so easily play out in the name of love with compassion and humor, including identifying the ways we tend to objectify ourselves and others, project and make subtle demands.

We’ll also explore the feminine approach to awakening, which views our human relationships as the most powerful crucibles for authentic awakening the vessel in which we can humbly see where we truly are, practice letting go of fear, separation, projection, judgment and self-centeredness, and shift our focus on what a relationship is truly for.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • Bringing to the light the common ego vows we make in relationship, which squeeze out their beauty and juice
  • The spiritual purpose of human relationship as a sacred vessel for transformation and liberation as well as the principles that help make it so
  • How to dissolve the subtle conflict between love and freedom
  • What it means to genuinely embody spiritual practice in your relationships (even when the other does not share your interest)
  • Rededicating your most significant relationships to love, truth and freedom
  • Finding your prayer that brings you back to living in love

Integration Session & Extended Satsang #3 (Recorded September 6)


This special integration session will start with chanting, meditation and a review and deepening of the previous modules. You will then move into “satsang” where Miranda will work more deeply with your questions, grapplings and realizations. This is where the teachings come vividly to life in response to the group field.

You’ll see and experience more substantially how holistic inquiry helps us harness absolutely everything into a gateway to grace, clarify confusions, and receive the blessing that happens when any one of us drops in and through our own consciousness. For many, satsang is a powerful highlight of working with Miranda.


The Living in Boundless Love Bonus Collection

In addition to Miranda’s transformative 10-module virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions. These bonus sessions complement the course and promise to take your understanding and practice to a deeper level.


Introduction to Holistic Self-inquiry
Video From Miranda Macpherson With Neal Rogin


In this video, Miranda demonstrates deepening into the self-inquiry process with Neal Rogin, longtime sangha member and assistant. All of the great mystical traditions ultimately say we are already one with the fabric of being; however, most of us don’t feel this in our everyday emotional experience. You’ll get an opportunity to taste your true nature and begin to learn to abide from unity consciousness and walk through this world in freedom. Self-inquiry is among the core practices Miranda suggests to help liberate us from the obstacles to direct experience of our true nature.

Neal Rogin is a multi-award winning writer, filmmaker, humorist and social observer whose work has reached millions of people around the world. Throughout his career he has demonstrated a unique ability to conceive and communicate ideas that move people to action and change the way they think. He is a founding board member of The Pachamama Alliance and a member of the Turning Tide Coalition with Lynne Twist, John and Ocean Robbins and Vicki Robin, and the Transformational Leadership Council, a group founded by author Jack Canfield, and numbers among its members Marianne Williamson, John Gray and Michael Beckwith.


Be Still & Know
Video Teaching From Miranda Macpherson


“Be Still and Know I AM" is the universal invitation at the heart of all the great teachings. Yet it is often misunderstood, not to mention overlooked in our fast-paced world. In this opening talk from a 3-day retreat, Miranda invites a deeper contemplation on what is it to be still that includes the journey to, with and as I AM presence. She eloquently discriminates the difference the habit of acquiring spiritual information and the knowing that genuinely transforms our being. She transmits the essence of the invitation, and invites us beyond the obstacle of seeking to humbly letting go into a deeper abiding in the heart of pure being.


Mantras for Awakening
Audio Recordings From Miranda Macpherson


Sometimes ordinary language cannot accurately express the deepest dimensions of our being the love for the sacred mystery that is boundless being and bliss. Yet we can contact our nonlinear depths through sound, silence and prayer. This is the way of devotion. It opens up courage, compassion, joy and supports true surrender. Sanskrit mantras are ancient syllables that exert precise positive effects on the body, heart and mind.

Lean into the mantras as you lean your head into the pillow at night. Dissolve into the mantra and it draws you back into the origin of your being. As you chant, feel into your own prayers your truest yearnings for yourself and for the world. Intoning these ancient sounds, you join with all beings throughout time who have ever prayed these prayers. Now your prayers are part of a continuing stream of the awakening heart. May they become part of your daily life supporting you to reside AS the heart of being.

In this special bonus, you’ll receive recordings of:

  • Om Nama Shivaya: A powerful version of the Hindu mantra for surrender, the god Shiva is part of the trinity consisting of Brahma (creation), Vishnu (sustenance) and Shiva (destruction)
  • Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya: This is the Hindu mantra meaning, “I bow to the God within, the divinity of my true nature. Please remove all obstacles.”

Guided Meditations
2 Audio Meditations From Miranda Macpherson


These two powerful meditations will help you deepen your practice and support you to more fully awaken to the teachings of the course.

Mountain of Presence
In reality, you exist within a mountain of boundless support, powered by the life force that births everything you see into existence. This is a central concentration practice recommended as a powerful antidote to the multi-tasking distractedness of modern life. Listening daily will help you stabilize in presence, quieten your mind, settle your emotions, and dissolve into deep silence.
Music: Harmonium by Miranda Macpherson; Tamboura and bells by Richard Quinn.

Vast Heart, Vast Mind
The human heart is the axis point between heaven and earth. Through breath and focused attention this meditation, accompanied by lovely bells, helps loosen the cobwebs of closure within your heart so as to liberate the vast compassion, love, beauty and joy that is your essential heart. Opening up inner space, you are invited beyond ordinary mind to pure awareness, knowing and pristine clarity.


What Graduates of Miranda’s Courses Are Saying...


This is the fourth course I’ve taken with Miranda and they have all been wonderful, in that with each new course and indeed with each segment of this course I was able to dive in ever deeper and release more blocks.
John, Bali

The peace and compassion I experience in daily life through extremes and upsets has increased exponentially. My faith and “comfort level” being in the unknown and chaotic challenges to be guided through continues to be anchored more firmly in presence. Thank you Miranda for your embodiment of Divine Grace. Thank you Shift Network for your platform. Thank you community for sharing and supporting me on this journey.
Bhakti, Mountain View, Hawaii

I live in a small, somewhat remote rural area world class spiritual teachers do not visit very often, so it was an incredible gift to be able to work with Miranda Macpherson through The Shift Network. I feel that this course helped to reconnect me to my inner guidance life has been challenging enough over the past couple of years that I wound up feeling sort of disconnected, so this was really important for me.
Caryn, Ukiah, California

I felt blessed every time I sat in front of Miranda live and on video. Her ability to transmit the Boundless Love she teaches comes through the screen and heals the soul’s feeling of disconnection. Through this course, I experienced a deep and abiding transformation in my perspective on a difficult situation I have been going through since last summer. My heart is more open and I am able to forgive even though the actual resolution is still not forthcoming. I am so grateful for this deeper ability to trust and abide in my true nature, Love.

Miranda has such a unique way of guiding you through the most complex issues of life. You need to experience this journey with her to know what I mean. It cannot simply be expressed in words!
Rajiv Gupta, New Delhi, India

Although this course lasts for three months, here is enough material here to last a lifetime. Miranda is a generous, gifted and committed teacher, and skillful therapist. Her depth of knowledge and practice has taken my healing and spiritual life to a new level... Miranda’s depth of guidance in putting this material together gave every exercise laser-like precision for healing and expanding into Boundless Love... I come away from this course with a lightness of being and awakened from within in a deeper and more expanded way.
Miranda, Australia

The course with Miranda was very special for me, the best so far of online seminars. Each of the modules gave me an important insight into my own inner journey... I am very impressed by the love and kindness Miranda radiates; she has real integrity, wisdom, and at the same time she is so humble and honest about her own ongoing discovery and learning.

Miranda embodies what she teaches! Her feminine approach to nondual teachings facilitates a complete acceptance of what is, regardless of whether it fits our “image” of being spiritual, etc..., which, in turn, opens up the space for us to directly experience our true nature! She is a masterful teacher and facilitator who doesn’t hold herself above her students. She genuinely cares and simply wants her students to live from the reality of who they are! What a delight to study with her.
Ron, Boulder, Colorado

The rather seamless technological ease especially the Zoom video platform makes it easy to connect from afar, so that there is a real community to relate in as members.
Michele, Louisville, Kentucky

I have benefited hugely from this course. It has expanded my sense of who I am and enabled me to feel held in a wider presence than I was aware of before. I am also moved and inspired by the depth of openness and experience that others brought to this sharing.
Susan, United Kingdom

Miranda was very skilled at holding space, and creating course content. Her self inquiry was masterfully created.
Krystal Dyan, British Columbia, Canada


Here’s What You’ll Receive


Seven 60-minute Recorded Teaching Sessions With Miranda Macpherson

Experience a rare opportunity to learn from one of the world’s leading spiritual teachers from the comfort of your own home. Each teaching session consists of a streaming video and audio presentation or pre-recorded broadcast of Miranda’s lecture which will guide you to learn the specific skills and insights to awaken your spiritual potential.


Seven Recorded Q&A Sessions With Miranda Macpherson

Directly following each teaching session, Miranda will come on for a Q&A session through an intimate face-to-face video connection for 30 minutes or more so you can have all your questions answered.


Three Integration Sessions & Extended Satsang With Miranda Macpherson

Join Miranda in these special bonus sessions where she will welcome your important questions and concerns, inviting you to dive deeper in and through your direct experience of the course material. In these sessions, Miranda will give a review of the material covered in the course sessions followed by a full hour of working with people’s questions.


Ten PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format after each session is completed. You can then review, print and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.


Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

After each lesson, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each session.


The Living in Boundless Love Bonus Collection

  • Introduction to Holistic Self-inquiry
    Video From Miranda Macpherson With Neal Rogin
  • Be Still & Know
    Video Teaching From Miranda Macpherson
  • Mantras for Awakening
    Audio Recordings From Miranda Macpherson
  • Guided Meditations
    2 Audio Meditations From Miranda Macpherson

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Living in Boundless Love Virtual Course

We feel honored that Miranda Macpherson has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. As you may know, this is a rare opportunity to learn directly from a renowned spiritual teacher whose methods marry an exquisite and piercing capacity for clear insight with an overflowing, loving heart that help you release your blocks and open to divine grace and boundless love.

Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations and meals which would cost thousands of dollars), you’ll also benefit from Miranda’s powerful teachings and exercises from the comfort of your home at your own pace!

If you’re ready to take the next heart-opening step in your spiritual awakening, click the register button below to reserve your space now.


More Praise for Miranda Macpherson...


In an ocean of spiritual guides all over the planet, rarely do you find a jewel that emanates the likes of Miranda’s integrity, depth and impact. Rooted in the world’s wisdom traditions, yet contemporary and fluid in her approach to assist awakening to the One during these highly complex and constantly challenging times, Miranda is the epitome of what we most need in a postmodern spiritual guide: kick-ass honesty, no nonsense mirroring, and rock star tenderness. Whether you access her teachings through her moving meditations, satsangs, retreats or virtual courses, Miranda will leave an indelible impression that will have your friends wondering how you became so present, compassionate and mindful so quickly.
Gary Malkin, Emmy Award-winning Composer/Producer


Miranda Macpherson embodies a deep compassion and wisdom, vast intelligence, and the ability to hold a space for genuine unfolding like nobody else I’ve known. Spending a week with her is like diving into the source of love and healing, anchored by deep spiritual practice and connection to the divine. Miranda is a rare gift to us all.
Devi Cavitt Razo, Director of The Hoffman Process


Miranda is the “real deal.” She is a standout as a spiritual teacher and she is a “stand up” as an individual in that she truly walks her talk. Life is not perfect, and Miranda lives that with a grace and authenticity that is unparalleled by many teachers. If there is such a thing as angels walking the earth, then Miranda is one. Do not be mistaken in assuming her softness and beauty is as deep as she goes. Miranda is a powerhouse and a force for change in this world.
Laura Bergman Fortgang, Author of Living Your Best Life


Miranda’s presence and teaching bring to life the spiritual wisdom of the ages. In my life, she is a shining light.
Susan Jeffers, Author of Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway


I was fortunate to find Miranda at a time when I’d been brought to my knees by unexpected life events. Through her spiritual teachings and loving guidance she helped me to deeply explore aspects of my heart that needed compassion, healing and growth. Obsolete defense mechanisms dissolved and I came to once again embrace my true evolutionary edge with courage, dignity and peace.
Raz Ingrasci, Chairman of Hoffman Institute International


Miranda is one of the clearest, purest, most eloquent voices for spiritual truth I know. She courageously shares both gritty challenges and lofty visions, and weaves them into powerful teachings from which we can all benefit.
Alan Cohen, Author of A Deep Breath of Life


Miranda is a rare teacher in that she is able to facilitate direct realization in others that many teachers can only speak of. Her work carries forward the direct invitation I have offered for many years that ushers us into deep contact with God-within. She is a luminous being and a gifted teacher.
Eileen Caddy, Founder of the Findhorn Foundation


Miranda Macpherson is the embodiment of wisdom and compassion. I continue to learn from her depth and to be touched by the expansiveness of her love. She integrates a rigorous clear-seeing mind, the beauty of art, and the wisdom of reflection and years of clinical application, making her teachings potent and transformational. She invites a new way of seeing and living, recognizing the non-dual nature of reality as well as working with people exactly where they are and honoring the sacredness of each moment and each experience. This work has the power to transform our individual and collective lives. I give Miranda Macpherson my highest recommendation.
Shauna L. Shapiro, PhD Professor, Santa Clara University, author of The Art and Science of Mindfulness


Miranda works with a blend of penetrating insight, profound intuition, expertise in spiritual tradition and psychology, a deep grounding in somatic awareness, and an almost angelic transmission of pure, radiant, soul-stirring LOVE. Working with her, and being led lovingly and masterfully back to direct experience of the divinity within me, has been a literal Godsend. I feel blessed, deeply, by her guidance and presence.
Hilary Illick, Hoffman Process teacher, writer and coach


Miranda is an authentic honest embodiment of the divine feminine. Her work brings together spiritual depth and psychological understanding delivered with precision, care and loving-kindness. I recommend her wholeheartedly.
Lama Palden Drolma, Founder of Sukhasiddhi Foundation


About Miranda Macpherson


Miranda Macpherson is a contemporary spiritual teacher, counselor and author of the spiritual guidebook, Boundless Love. Miranda, who has been teaching internationally since 1995, is known for her depth of presence, clarity and refined capacity to guide people into direct experience of the sacred.

Miranda’s work is a synthesis of self-inquiry, spiritual psychology, devotion and meditation practice offered with feminine grace that embraces our everyday human experience as a gateway into the depths of our true nature. Through a blend of silent transmission and articulate teaching, she leads ongoing programs oriented to guiding people into direct spiritual experience while providing a practical map for actualizing our realization into daily life. Drawing from the ancient lineages of Advaita and mystical Christianity, as well as from more recent wisdom teachings such as A Course In Miracles, Miranda leads from the ground of unconditional love and compassion for our humanity, emphasizing receptivity, discrimination and surrender.

Miranda is founder of the groundbreaking “OneSpirit Interfaith Foundation” in London, and today leads the “Awakening Love and Wisdom” sangha in Marin and Sonoma counties in northern California. She teaches retreats in the United States and in Europe, and is working on a new book, Tasting Grace. She lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her husband, Bob Duchmann, a teacher of the Diamond Approach (A.H. Almaas’ Ridhwan School).


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