With World-Renowned Healer &
Transformational Change Agent
Jennifer McLean
A 6-Module On-Demand Video Training

Receive energy medicine practices to transform lifelong beliefs and coping mechanisms held in your body and subconscious mind.

Unwind old patterns in the moment they’re activated and shift into a higher frequency of consciousness.

Heal family influences and ancestral habits which have influenced your subconscious default beliefs about money and receiving...

Have you experienced healing through EMDR, cranial sacral work, Reiki, or another modality?

These approaches can be effective in transforming emotional wounds and trauma experiences held in the mind and body...

Yet, they typically require that you find a skilled practitioner and the results, although powerful, can take months and even years to manifest.

What if you could spontaneously (and permanently) transform emotional patterns that have wielded tremendous influence over your life...

... patterns that have warped your beliefs, contributed to dis-ease, and limited your capacity to access your authenticity, your soul gifts, and your joy?

The first step is to heal and transform your unprocessed painful life experiences and repressed emotions such as grief and anger.

These repressed emotions generate stress, produce negative thoughts and beliefs, and create painful coping mechanisms and survival strategies all of which can suppress the immune system, invite disease, and slow healing.

According to internationally acclaimed healer and author Jennifer McLean, these patterns of blocked energy are lodged in your subconscious mind and neural physiology.

By locating and understanding the origin of these energy blocks, you can dissolve them without revisiting the events that caused the pain and suffering.

Through specific energy healing practices, Jennifer can help you uncover, directly address, and dissolve these energy blocks. You’ll then be able to change these energies the moment you realize you’re feeling triggered and reactive.

Jennifer teaches that blocked energy patterns also cause unnecessary worry and obsessive thinking, depriving us of our power and divine connection. They may also foster procrastination, and can interfere with your ability to create what you desire.

Shifting these old patterns held in your neural physiology creates new neural pathways, and moves traumatic memories (that are still causing you upset) into a new part of the brain... where they no longer stimulate reactivity, stress, and fight or flight.

Patients with cancer and other illnesses have experienced profound shifts in their health through Jennifer’s energy healing practices.

Now you can spontaneously experience a similar shift...

  • If you've been feeling stuck or blocked: Sometimes it takes just the right nudge to your energy for it to enter a new state. Then everything you've tried before now starts to “take.” It’s as if you’ve been unlocked.
  • If financial lack seems to be never ending: This is your chance to finally establish a brand-new way of manifesting prosperity. You’re about to shift your protection mechanisms, family influences, ancestral habits, and parental “installations,” which have impacted your subconscious default beliefs about money and receiving
  • If conflict seems to chase you: Jennifer will share processes to access the root cause of relationship upset and the hidden reasons that are causing you emotional pain, suffering, and conflict.
  • If you’ve had a scary diagnosis or are in ill health: Together with Jennifer, you’ll unwind, unpack, and heal ANY unconscious mechanisms and emotional repression that's taking energy away from your immune system’s ability to heal.

These limiting beliefs, patterns, and coping mechanisms have acted like a dam which has been holding back the health, wealth, creativity, and happiness that is your birthright.

Now you can finally and truly shift this hidden programming...

Your Invitation From Jennifer McLean

I’m so glad you're here!

You are about to join me for an advanced evolutionary healing experience.

Know that a select few on this planet are called to this high-frequency work...

And if you're reading these words, you're ready to make this evolutionary shift.

You are one of the wayshowers that are here to shift your life and be the waking meditation that inspires and creates the frequencies in action that are needed at this time.

Part of the process of healing that is most needed is to release the old patterns and limiting beliefs in the unconscious and claim your authentic and true power.

That can occur in the blink of an eye, and sometimes without effort the key is to get to that catalyst state of being that creates the environment for an activation of healing to be spontaneous.

And in those moments, the dominoes of patterns, survival mechanisms, illness, lack, and limitation get knocked over, creating a whole new perspective AND possibility for your life.

At this time on the planet, your unique expression of power is the new creative force that Spirit is using to establish a different paradigm of possibility, flow, and alignment for you and all of earth’s inhabitants.

This is your moment to finally and permanently transform the deeply hidden subconscious material that you’ve been unknowingly activating...

... and move into a state of grace and power that supersedes anything that is confrontational, in dissonance, or upsetting in your life.

This unconscious material that's causing lack and limitation in any form comes from upsetting events from this lifetime...

It's also influenced by ancient, ancestral cellular information, and by effects from past lives...

This course will support you in accessing and healing this material that has, unknown to you, been affecting your ability to create what you truly desire.

You will receive remote evolutionary healing energies and unwind what is no longer needed as you free up your energy.

So if you’ve been frustrated and scratching your head about what’s next for you... this is your invitation from the universe to let me support you in creating a new paradigm.

All you have to do is sit back and receive...

I’m so excited to play with you!

To your evolution,

Sacred Healing Practices to Accelerate Your Evolution

A healer for almost three decades who's supported hundreds of thousands of souls in discovering a new way of being, Jennifer McLean happened upon a sacred healing strategy that genuinely works.

It has now helped thousands to discover their true power.

They are no longer impacted by what’s “out there,” because what’s inside is now fully known and consciously awakened as powerful, stable, and light.

And that light, that space, that grace, that power to create health, wholeness, and safety is available to YOU...

This 6-part transformational intensive presents Jennifer’s four most effective healing modalities, which were designed to deeply accelerate your healing.

She calls it the “Quadruple Healing Multiplier.” When used in combination, these four modes of sacred healing exponentially expand your potential for transformation.

The acceleration compared to other systems you've tried should be quickly noticeable.

What's more, when you take a deep dive into these modalities, you'll likely to notice that other approaches you've been trying are now able to work.


Because you've drilled down to the core, you've unwound the original upset that's buried deep in the subconscious and held in your neural physiology, enabling you to shift the energy at the foundation...

So everything you do from here on is from this new transformed place.

Be prepared to...

  • Change Your Neurology to Create a New Life: You’ll understand how old patterns are held in your neural physiology and experience deep healing of these old programs. AND you’ll be creating NEW healthy, happy, prosperous neural pathways.
  • Release the Hold of Old Upsetting Memories: Old traumatic memories that are still causing upset will now be moved into a new part of the brain where they no longer stimulate reaction and stress. Peace and calm are on the horizon for you.
  • Access Divine Intelligence & Know Your Next Steps CLEARLY: You're about to open your Soul Bandwidth to Divine Wisdom and receive, activate, and expand your access to your soul energy, your divine spark. This clear access to your divine intelligence allows better decision making, true clarity of purpose, and clearly knowing your next steps.
  • Receive Continuous Distance Healing: In each session we spend together, your guides and mine, combined with Master Teachers, angels, and other advanced beings, will open you up to receive the exact healing you need at that time (and when you listen again, you'll receive the exact healing you need at that time).
  • Emotional & Hormonal Balancing Through Your Chakras & Sound Vibration: These powerful energy centers in your body are the source of balance for your hormones, your emotions, and more. Prepare for a deep clearing and balancing using the chakras' natural healing support of sound vibration.

These are THE STEPS that create an evolutionary expansion for your life on this planet...

What You’ll Discover in These 6 Modules

In this 6-part transformational intensive, you’ll receive proven energy healings and self-guided techniques to remove limiting beliefs, patterns, and coping mechanisms which have been holding back the health, wealth, creativity, and happiness you desire.

Module 1: The Nature of Dissonance Why You’re Stuck & How to Restore Harmony (September 17)

Did you know that there's a good reason why you're stuck, blocked, or experiencing lack or ill health?

There's a powerful system of protection and safety at play deep in the subconscious that has, unbeknownst to you, also been wreaking havoc on your energy, your health, and your ability to manifest.

In this first session, we'll unpack what, how, and why this has been happening.

AND we will start the accelerated evolutionary healing to fundamentally create a permanent shift in your life, circumstances, health, relationships, and more!

The ideas, practices, and processes you'll uncover in this first module have been channeled through divine inspiration and come straight from Source for you.

This is the start of the rest of your best life.

Module 2: Healing Journey Discover Your Core Power
(September 24)

Humanity is evolving... the old paradigms simply cannot survive.

The Core Power Healing session is here to support and help you shape and mold the love, healing, and compassion in your life... and in the lives of those on this planet.

When your core power is known and ignited, you stand in a new posture of knowing, clarity, peace, and grace.

There is more capacity to have trust and faith in your life adventure and to bring clear, conscious intention to create from this place of power. The acceleration is quite remarkable.

You access this through Spontaneous Transformation system healing journeys that leverage Jennifer's extensive shamanic experience.

These journeys take you deep into your connection to your soul and activate the healing energies for you that are found in that infinite and eternal realm.

Couple this with the high vibrational Spontaneous Transformation Frequencies, and you're going to experience a profound healing journey to discover your core power.

You are about to know with certainty what this is and what you can create from this power.

Module 3: Spontaneous Transformation Access & Heal Core Wounds (October 1)

This is your chance to receive one of the most advanced healing modalities available.

This is The Spontaneous Transformation Technique (STT) and it is here to finally and permanently access the hidden core issues, patterns, and survival mechanisms that have been holding you back in so many ways.

This simple yet profound healing technique acknowledges this survival mechanism and releases you from its grip by recognizing the emotional, physical, and spiritual imbalances created by retained thoughts, memories, beliefs, and experiences.

STT directly addresses, heals, and unwinds abuse, abandonment, physical disease, anger, fear, stress, grief, and more.

It will help you locate and understand the origin of discomfort without revisiting the events that caused the pain and suffering.

During this session, the STT system will reveal WHY you’re stuck in poor health, in disease, or in financial lack and in turn spontaneously transform it.

You are about to finally understand why these patterns keep showing up, but most importantly you wll heal and release these patterns and old programming.

Get ready to shift permanently.

Module 4: Attunements to Unlock & Harness Dormant Energy (October 8)

Are you ready to reawaken your deepest frequencies by attuning to your divine nature?

Similar to a Reiki attunement, the “energy key” you’ll receive will move in and unlock the truest version of you... your most divine frequency.

The catalyst for creating a new life is an ability to attune your energy and unlock your dormant gifts.

Attunements deliver an unlocking mechanism to get your energy open and aligned.

When you can attune your energy, you are actually unlocking the dormant parts of you that ignite your power and confidence.

In this module, you're about to receive powerful “Foundation Attunements.”

These attunements will unlock the building blocks of the next evolutionary state needed for your success and opening.

Be prepared to feel stronger, more confident, activated, and ready to take on your attuned calling as you move through life with more grace and ease.

Module 5: Sound Vibration Healing & Chakra Acoustical Anchoring (October 15)

Session five is here to deliver a deeply healing sound vibration healing.

It will move the first five sessions of transformation into an even stronger foundation and a tighter conscious weave of permanent healing as it aligns and balances your chakras.

Jennifer discovered sound vibration when she was experiencing a migraine, and decided to experiment with sounds by reshaping her mouth to change the tonal quality.

As she played more and more, she found these tonal sounds would penetrate deep within, and the vibration would release the pain.

As she did these tones, songs started to appear, taking the healing to even more profound levels of transformation.

These sound vibration healings resulted in a decline of old patterns of illness. Thoughts became clearer and more precise, and life seemed to be brighter.

What Jennifer now calls “Soul Songs” have become proven curative tools that create real change.

In this class, you’ll experience the song and tonal healings for each chakra!

The chakras are a powerful energetic system of your whole being...

With this Soul Song Chakra Healing class, you'll notice your emotions softening and confidence rising in response to your newly balanced and active chakras, which are your emotional centers.

Then, your organs, which surround and are influenced by each chakra, can move into renewed health and balance.

The healing and transformation happens just by listening!

Module 6: Heal-a-Thon! Extended Q&A (October 22)

This is your finish-with-power: a 3-hour Q&A session with Jennifer and her students.

For each question, and the coaching and answers given, you’ll see with new eyes how the mind works as Jennifer works with individuals... the “aha's” will burst forth again and again.

The group energy increases the frequencies and the perfect information, insights, practices, and healings show up for all.

It is a potent and important finish to the course.

The Spontaneous Transformation Bonus Collection

(Valued at $498.00)

In addition to Jennifer’s six modules of powerful healing and transformation using the Quadruple Healing Multiplier of the Spontaneous Transformation system of healing...

You’ll also receive powerful bonus training sessions and healing processes.

These bonus sessions complement the course and promise to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

The STT Workshop (Valued at $197.00)
3 Potent Spontaneous Transformation Healing Workshops

Experience the healing and re-patterning of your very soul through Jennifer’s widely acclaimed 3-workshop series of deeply penetrating Spontaneous Transformation Healing.

Each session builds on the previous one, creating a growing momentum of change as you listen and receive the quantum healing from each session.

You’ll come out of these three STT workshops revived, feeling new, and knowing that there is more to your life than you realized.

You will undergo healing STT Sessions for health upsets, illness, and physical disease.

AND... money and prosperity are addressed with fascinating and surprising results.

Join Jennifer for a deep dive into your core beliefs that have been running the show in the background, keeping you from what you’ve been wanting.

You’ll fundamentally open up to what's possible in a completely new framework of transformation and establish new, sparkling neural pathways of possibility, vitality, flow, and freedom.

Living in Prosperity Now (Valued at $127.00)
60-Minute Audio Healing From Jennifer McLean

You're about to take a profound healing journey that includes a potent Spontaneous Transformation Technique healing session and comprehensive, guided support.

Your Living in Prosperity Now healing audio recording is an extremely potent healing tool and one that you'll continue to revisit again and again.

Its power resides in its ability to put you in a deeply sacred place of receptivity, gratitude, and blessing...

It delivers a strong energetic frequency that ignites your inner knowing of your prosperity and allows you to step into a life of overflowing abundance.

This energy and pattern will remain with you from this moment on, supporting you through anything that life brings your way.

Awakening Chants (Valued at $47.00)
Set of 10 Inspirational Audio Chants From Jennifer McLean

This joyous set of inspirational chants is designed to enliven your soul and awaken your spirit. 

This version of sound vibration delivers music and lyrical chants encoded with healing energies to move you into a state of expansion. 

Each sound vibration chant offers high-vibration musical ditties to open your being to its authentic and divine soul potential.

The beautiful melodies combined with sacred, energetically infused words help you dance, sway, and simply meditate into a deeper, more expansive state of being.

You’ll be blown away by these healing chants as they transport you to your highest expansion...

... and just make you feel darn good!

Your 10 sound vibration healing soul chants, all of which are offered in both a dance and ethereal version, include:

  • “Awake”
  • “I Am Divine Love”
  • “We Are One”
  • “Who Am I I Am”
  • ”I See My Light”

What People Are Saying About Jennifer McLean...

“Within 12 hours... my neck was completely, I mean completely healed.”

I’ve been following you and did your healing exercise just a couple of times. I had a badly burned neck from a microwave accident and had a nasty, brown, weeping wound. Within 12 hours, the next day, my neck was completely, I mean completely healed. Not a sign of any scar... a miracle. I’d shown a friend who had seen the wound only 12 hours before and he was amazed. Thank you so much. Even my doctor was amazed... Truly grateful for your healing. Bless you.
Rosemary Saunders, United Kingdom

“... has done more for me than the 30 years I’ve spent with traditional therapists.”

The time I spent with Jennifer McLean has done more for me than the 30 years I’ve spent with traditional therapists. I benefited so much from the program. I’m noticing a difference in how I respond to "triggers" in my life. Jennifer, your cutting-edge approach and techniques are total game-changers! I cannot thank you enough for all your guidance, love, and support. Much love and gratitude to you, sister Jennifer!

“I’m amazed at your ability to help people heal...”

The more I experience your healing gifts, I’m amazed at your ability to help people heal in order to be more productive and prosperous in their various endeavors. Jennifer, I humbly agree that your Spontaneous Transformation Technique has changed hundreds of thousands of lives over the last two decades, and also demonstrates that you are truly a divine force.

“... you have... empowered me with tremendous strength...”

I appreciate the wonderful work you are doing. I completely value everything you have put out there. Over the past year, you have helped me immensely on my path, you have inspired me beyond imagination. Your Spontaneous Transformation system of Healing has empowered me with tremendous strength and helped to assist me in cultivating inner divine guidance. I am forever grateful to you.

“You helped me shift from depression to expression of my radiant self...”

I feel my light shining brighter than ever. I find I recover from setbacks and upsets so much more effortlessly. And I really have come to know in my heart that everything and everyone in my life is here for a good reason. Thank you, Jennifer. You are a gift to the world and I am so grateful I found you. You helped me shift from depression to expression of my radiant self.
Christina Davidson

“It felt as if Jennifer really were here with me...”

It felt as if Jennifer really were here with me, and that she could see me, because her words and intention were so strong. At first, I was full of INTENSE nerves. Yet, throughout, my mind and body traveled to so many places. I just wanted to say thank you for your Spontaneous Transformation Technique. Again, thank you.

“... your spiritual sensitivity just amazes me.”

The Spontaneous Transformation sessions truly helped me on several levels. This wonderful technique, along with your spiritual sensitivity, just amazes me. It was great to hear you pretty much channel one caller’s father, as he was truly able to help her let go of her painful emotions. Wow!

“I have a new level of clarity and confidence...”

I couldn’t believe it, Jennifer said that the courses and programs I have tried previously to improve my life might start working through her attunements and healing... and she was RIGHT. WOW! I have a new level of clarity and confidence that allows me to approach just about anything knowing it will work... and it does. THANK YOU, JENNIFER!
Sharon M.

“It feels like a deep inner-cleaning process...”

Dear Jennifer, I am grateful for the programs you are sharing. It is difficult to give words to what it has brought me, for the changes are subtle and clear at the same time. It feels like a deep inner-cleaning process with more clarity arising. Thank you so much for this big gift. I love you.

“... thank you for giving me back my life.”

From the depths of my soul, I thank you for giving me back my life.

Here’s What You’ll Receive

Six 90-Minute Recorded Class Sessions With Jennifer McLean

Experience a rare opportunity to learn from internationally acclaimed healer and author Jennifer McLean from the comfort of your own home.

Each class session includes a video teaching and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to unwind old patterns in the moment they’re activated and shift into a higher frequency of consciousness.

Six PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Spontaneous Transformation Bonus Collection

  • The STT Workshop (Valued at $197.00)
    3 Potent Spontaneous Transformation Healing Workshops
  • Living In Prosperity Now (Valued at $127.00)
    60-Minute Audio Healing From Jennifer McLean
  • Awakening Chants (Valued at $47.00)
    Set of 10 Inspirational Audio Chants From Jennifer McLean

Enroll Now

We feel honored that Jennifer McLean has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a rare opportunity to learn from an internationally acclaimed healer and author whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations, and meals which would cost thousands of dollars), you’ll be able to benefit from Jennifer’s incredible teachings and exercises from the comfort of your home and at your own pace.

Receive the Entire 6-Module Spontaneous Transformation Video Training

PLUS the Spontaneous Transformation Bonus Collection!


$697... With bonuses Over $1,100

Yours For Only...

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Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Spontaneous Transformation with Jennifer McLean or don’t feel that it meets your needs please contact our friendly Support Team within 14 days of your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue you a refund.

More Praise for Jennifer McLean...

“... be prepared to shift and heal into the highest version of you.”

When you’re with Jennifer, you are with a master healer. Her Spontaneous Transformation Healing system is a proven global sensation. No matter what your circumstances, be prepared to shift and heal into the highest version of you. If you have a chance to work with her, you are one of the blessed ones... and you’ll likely have some fun and laughter along the way.
Marci Shimoff, New York Times bestselling author of Happy for No Reason

“Jennifer has a unique ability to safely detour around the mind... to create real change.”

Jennifer has a unique ability to safely detour around the mind as gatekeeper, and around the original events of childhood to create real change. She is able to support a true and fundamental release of the core issues and traumas that are still creating the patterns and beliefs that block our progress to this day. Her system of healing is fast, easy, gentle, and effective. This is someone I recommend to shift and release the subconscious influences on how and why we experience the illness, conflict, and lack in our lives, without having to have a near-death experience to do so. Work with Jennifer and heal.
Anita Moorjani, author of the New York Times bestselling book, Dying To Be Me

“.Jennifer McLean pulls out incredible insights and information about and for you.”

My wonderful friend Jennifer McLean pulls out incredible insights and information about and for you. There is something extraordinary about how she supports individuals. You’ll see the full purpose of your soul, and that exploration is both insightful and transformative. If you want to have an extraordinary adventure, work with Jennifer.
Neale Donald Walsch, author of the New York Times bestselling series Conversations with God

“... I realized and experienced a great fear... and released and healed it.”

I had a quite amazing and instantaneous acknowledgement of Jennifer’s STT technique. I had chosen to work with her on the expansion of my acting career: bigger roles, bigger projects, more money. During this fast, simple technique, I realized and experienced a great fear around actually achieving that, and released and healed it. Literally the next day, I was offered a wonderful role in a great film with a much higher salary. When it happens that fast, there is no denying the power of the energy shift. This technique works.
Dee Wallace, Actress, healer, and channel

“... don’t walk, but run into Jennifer’s powerful, loving healing embrace.”

Jennifer McLean is a true light on this planet; she is one of the chosen providers of healing transformation that is so needed at this time. Jennifer is able to take us by the hand and release the core issues deep in the subconscious in a gentle, accelerated, yet profound way. If you are ready to genuinely, finally, and deeply transform your life and circumstance, then don’t walk, but run into Jennifer’s powerful, loving healing embrace. You’ll be glad you did.
James Van Praagh, psychic medium

“I feel that you have opened the doors and released me to go free...”

Thank you very much for your chakra clearing sound vibration... I have been somebody who has felt like I was blocked off from good fortune and good blessings. I feel that you have opened the doors and released me to go free and face the real world of happiness. I feel renewed again. Thank you, and may God bless you for your good work.

“I’m on track and back in control of my own life now.”

Thank you for the attunements. It’s so awesome, I really enjoy it and I love the way the power just flows through my body when I am really in tune with my inner self and higher powers. It feels amazing, like a flowing river or like spirit to spirit, and makes me feel like something is pulling my spirit up... like it’s pulling my soul out of the place I’m in. I feel like I’m following myself correctly and I’m on track and back in control of my own life now.

“... a total expansion into something... in which I feel light, happy, youthful, peaceful... and delighted.”

I love your method of healing and teaching that has moved me into a “field” of grace. It is like a total expansion into something I can’t define but in which I feel light, happy, youthful, peaceful... and delighted. Thank you!

“I have a new beginning regardless of the challenges in my life...”

I realized I don’t worry anymore about things that are happening. So I am able to find peace and strength. I went through so much emotion and I’m OK now. I have a new beginning regardless of the challenges in my life... I have no fear.

“... I’ve always admired people who had guts. Now I’m one of them...”

I’ve stood up to bullies this week. This would never have happened before this program. I would have been too afraid. I just thought “I’m standing in my power,” and I really felt it. No anger, just STOP-energy. I can’t believe I did that, I’ve always admired people who had guts. Now I’m one of them, thanks to this program! Thank you Jennifer.

“... more love, humor, silliness; everything is more enjoyable.”

Jennifer McLean is not just enormously likable, but unusual, a visionary, and a born and gifted teacher. As a pioneer in spiritual healing, she has become an elegant, articulate master, a wise woman, a metaphysician. Through her programs, where once there were glimpses, doors now open wide to reveal new ways of being and operating in the world. Wounds heal, old hurts arise and fly away; vague ideas become clear, we become new, and life noticeably improves. With this new lightness of being is more love, humor, silliness; everything is more enjoyable. I’ve started to listen to them again for what the new me can hear that the old me might have missed.

“I am calmer, more confident, and... open to all the abundance in my life.”

I am calmer, more confident, and I am aware that I am open to all the abundance in my life. I accept and am open to spiritual healing. Thank you!
Ginette Leclair

“The remaining vibrations of fear, anger, and resentment... have been transformed!”

The remaining vibrations of fear, anger, and resentment that I had been unaware I was still carrying, have been transformed! It feels quite literally like a transmutation from the lead ore of the old vibration of me, to a liquid gold... one that flows... and could even transmute alchemically to almost any magical substance it needed to! I’m no longer afraid of losing the healings I’ve obtained, because I’m no longer unknowingly carrying that undertone of resentment and dread!

“... deep, deep emotions of happiness, gratitude, freedom, relief, and deep profound joy!”

From the core of my being I feel so much gratitude for this deep and profound transformation I have experienced. From the first day, not knowing if this could work, then slowly building up to a point where I had some huge breakthroughs and a huge epiphany! This epiphany caused deep, deep emotions of happiness, gratitude, freedom, relief, and deep profound joy! By experiencing the Spontaneous Transformation Technique I now know how to release and heal the negative thoughts that have plagued me most of my life! Thank you!

About Jennifer McLean

Jennifer McLean is an internationally acclaimed healer, author, speaker, edge pusher, and transformational change agent. As a trained healer, Jennifer has helped individuals transmute their deepest fears, blocks, and old beliefs into new levels of alignment, growth, health, wholeness, and abundance.

Her innovative Spontaneous Transformation Technique has helped hundreds of thousands over three decades shift held energy in the body to successfully liberate themselves from old hurts and patterns of obstacles that lead to disease and upset. With hundreds of certified practitioners, this popular technique is reaching more and more people to accelerate healing and elegantly resolve old beliefs and upsets.

Jennifer combines her powerful intuitive gifts with emotional and spiritual discernment to assist you in lovingly identifying and compassionately releasing and changing the old neural pathways that have kept you from living a magnificent life.

The change starts immediately by simply being in Jennifer’s presence, as she speaks this encoded frequency of healing and guides you through Spontaneous Transformation sessions. Jennifer also offers sound-vibration Soul Songs musical arrangements containing unique tonal sound-healing vibrations that promote profound change.

The author of five books, Jennifer has appeared on Fox, CBS, NBC and been feartured in prominent online publications and summits. She is also the producer of the renowned Healing With The Masters online media franchise that reached more than 1,000,000 souls over 17 seasons of transformation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is 2 weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!

Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.

Spontaneous Transformation
Jennifer McLean