With Universal Healer, Visionary, Dreamer & Founder of The Path
Grandmother Flordemayo

A 7-Module On-Demand Video Training


Cultivate a greater appreciation for being alive and what it means to surrender to the present moment through Indigenous healing ceremonies, rituals, prayers, and divinely guided transmissions... that deepen your relationship to Mother Earth and your own spiritual gifts.


There’s a harmony to life that happens when everyone is playing their part to the best of their ability and allowing their lives to be divinely orchestrated in the process.

To help the world become a place of shared peace, however, we first have to be in harmony with ourselves.

This is where the mysticism and mechanisms of the sacred Indigenous healing tradition of curanderismo can powerfully transform our lives.

A curandero or curandera carries the wisdom, healing traditions, and spiritual gifts of generations forward into the present moment in a holistic way to re-harmonize our relationship with Mother Earth, Spirit, our entire spiritual being, and our authentic selves.

Grandmother Flordemayo, a curandera espiritu, Mayan priestess, and vision-bearer of the Beloved Mother, is one such person.

Her heartened prayers, time-honored healing rituals and ceremonies, and wellspring of knowledge on the nature of interconnectedness illuminate the path of peace...

... poignantly touching the areas of our lives that need validation, acceptance, clarity, and healing.

You can also walk the path of curanderismo by embarking on an intimate 7-module spiritual journey with Grandmother Flordemayo designed to align you with your true path through sacred practices that cleanse your soul... clear the stagnant energies that are inhibiting divine flow within you and your life...

... and ignite your sense of wonder and imagination by immersing you in a new reality of what’s possible for your life.

As you allow Spirit to flow through your heart and life, you’ll become ever more devoted to the joyful, sacred work of becoming the best version of yourself that you can be...

... and you’ll begin to experience how renewed gratitude, centeredness, connectedness, and wellbeing can return to you time and again.

You’ll be amazed by how your spiritual momentum and passionately praying from the heart can add power to presence and ultimately magnetize your intentions to you.

With Grandmother Flordemayo’s guidance, you’ll discover how to be in a world that places more value on what you can do, and you’ll begin to experience life beyond the veil as your own spiritual gifts are catalyzed into your everyday life.

Each and every session, you’ll witness the physical and nonphysical worlds merging as healing transmissions from the Beloved Mother flow through Grandmother Flordemayo and speak to the core of who you are... as a revelation of what’s possible when you surrender to Spirit and the present moment.

You’ll also experience the divine intelligence of the natural world firsthand through guided ceremonies and rituals from dream bundles to sacred altars to moon-water tonics that deepen your connection to Mother Earth, enriching your own soul offering and divine lineage.

Join Grandmother Flordemayo for this guided 7-module spiritual journey to reinvigorate your appreciation for being alive, unleash your spiritual gifts, reaffirm the unique contribution that you’re here to make... and illuminate the way forward to a life of harmony and peace for all.


During this guided spiritual journey with Grandmother Flordemayo, you’ll:

  • Discover the mysticism and mechanisms of the sacred Indigenous healing tradition of curanderismo... including the unseen causes of illness and the true nature of divine intervention
  • Receive healing transmissions from the Beloved Mother that show you what’s possible when you surrender to Spirit and the present moment
  • Explore the 7 types of curanderos and curanderas and which of them most align with your spiritual gifts
  • Bring light into the world by connecting with the Golden Child energy within you
  • Experience a guided limpia ceremony to cleanse heavy energy from your being and environment
  • Learn how dream catchers, bundles, and dream journals can enliven your dreaming world, unleash your spiritual gifts, and inspire your daily life
  • Hold someone in prayer throughout your day
  • Call on the divine intelligence of plants and the elements and explore how curanderismo infuses them in sacred ways
  • Practice 5 types of spiritual healing and learn how curanderismo prioritizes them with a holistic approach to wellness
  • Pray in the moment from your heart and magnetize your intention to you
  • Create your own tonic... powered by the waxing gibbous moon and a guided moon-water ritual
  • Set daily rituals that you’ll want to keep, adding power to their presence and enrich your life through spiritual connection and groundedness
  • Assemble an altar via an in-the-moment demonstration and discover the most effective items to add
  • Get acquainted with the 13 sacred elements of prayer and create a prayer ritual that integrates sacred body postures and your own inner rhythms to connect more deeply with Creator
  • Master techniques for creating energetic boundaries around your spiritual being that guard against the pervasive influences of internal and external negativity
  • Expand your sense of reality during a guided water ritual for setting an intention and calling in specific dreams
  • And much more...

Shift Faculty & Summit Speaker Yeye Luisah Teish: “Grandmother Flordemayo Embodies Love”

Shift Summit Host Shawna Bluestar Newcomb: “Grandmother Flordemayo Is Foundational to My Success”

Shift Faculty & Summit Host HeatherAsh Amara: “Grandmother Flordemayo Is a National Treasure”


What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-part transformational intensive, Grandmother Flordemayo will walk with you on a guided spiritual journey for cultivating a greater appreciation for being alive and what it means to surrender to the present moment through Indigenous healing ceremonies, rituals, prayers, and divinely guided transmissions that deepen your relationship to Mother Earth and your own spiritual gifts.

This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Grandmother Flordemayo. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to understand and appreciate your place in the present moment through Indigenous healing ceremonies, rituals, and prayers.

Module 1: Curanderismo & Healing Within Setting Daily Spiritual Goals & Rituals


In this opening session, you’ll discover the mysticism and healing mechanisms of curanderismo.

As the initial step on your guided spiritual journey, this will be the first of many times that you’ll not only witness, but experience firsthand the healing transmissions of the Beloved Mother...

... as they lovingly flow through Grandmother Flordemayo as an offering that is uniquely interpreted by each heart as it is meant to be in the moment.

In this way, Grandmother Flordemayo gives voice to the eternal wisdom of ages, and encouragement and insights into the challenges we currently face individually and collectively.

You’ll also learn how her rich Mayan heritage and calling as a curandera have shaped her life and ability as a healer... and how as a fellow lightbearer, they can positively influence yours.

In this first module, you’ll explore:

  • The mysticism and mechanisms of the sacred Indigenous healing tradition of curanderismo... including the unseen causes of illness and the true nature of divine intervention
  • The 7 types of curanderos and curanderas and which of them most align with your spiritual gifts
  • Why setting daily rituals adds power to their presence and enriches your life through spiritual connection and groundedness
  • How to bring light forth by connecting with the Golden Child energy within you
  • How curanderismo can positively influence your health and life

Module 2: Prayer, Intention & Peace Creating Your Own Prayer & Dialogue With Creator


What does it mean to hold space for someone... through prayer?

During the second session of your spiritual journey, you’ll explore the subtleties of prayer and intention, and rituals for connecting more deeply with your true intentions and Creator including the significance of sacred body postures, candles, colors... and the power of harmonizing intention and prayer with your own inner rhythms.

You’ll also come to understand the connection between prayer and peace, and how surrendering to the present moment catalyzes the power of prayer far beyond what the eyes can see.

During this empowering second session with Grandmother Flordemayo, you’ll discover:

  • Why praying in the moment from the heart magnetizes your intention to you
  • The 13 sacred elements of prayer and how they can instill a sense of acceptance and peace within you and the world and deepen your relationship with Creator
  • How to hold someone in prayer throughout your day and be open to the possibilities of the moment
  • The subtle differences between prayer and intention and guidance for discovering and emboldening your true intentions and prayers
  • How to create a prayer ritual that integrates sacred body postures and your own inner rhythms to connect more deeply with Creator

Module 3: Sacred Altars Spiritual Healing, Rituals & Ceremonies


An altar gives you a safe place to be with your prayers, affirmations, and entire being all of which will grow in power with focused intention. It also mirrors your own spiritual evolution, as the items on your altar will inevitably change as you ebb and flow through this class and with life...

... and as you begin to recalibrate your mind, heart, and body to align with your soul and what you are here to contribute to the world.

During the third session of your spiritual journey, Grandmother Flordemayo will assemble an altar in the moment with you and share how you, consecrated and made holy, are also a sacred altar. Together, you’ll explore how to intuitively create a sacred space that’s deeply personal and spiritually attuned to your intentions and energy, leaving you feeling connected, uplifted, present, and peaceful.

Your sacred altar is a place to center yourself in love and truth and to open yourself to an intimate dialogue with Mother Earth, Spirit, and the unconditional love and support that’s always available to you.

You’ll explore:

  • Time-honored practices for cleansing your altar that are science-based and rich in cultural and mystical symbolism
  • How to bless yourself and your altar and protect the sanctity of your inner and outer space using candles, crystals, black salts, and other elements
  • The importance of honoring the 4 sacred elements and 4 directions on your altar in a way that’s meaningful to you
  • The most effective items to add to your altar and why and how your altar can grow in power over time
  • How to assemble an altar via an in-the-moment demonstration by Grandmother Flordemayo

Module 4: Spiritual Healing & Spiritual Intuition Balancing the Spiritual Being


When we set the intention to heal, we too often forget that true healing can only be found in wholeness, or harmony among all of the many facets of who and what we are.

In this way, a curandero or curandera seeks to restore and unify your entire spiritual being mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual with an emphasis on cleansing you of unnecessary stagnant energy and balancing you with your authentic self and who you came here to be.

Your journey in this session offers a holistic look at the layers of your spiritual being... and how your thoughts, feelings, physiology, and spiritual body intersect to create your unique energetic frequency.

You’ll discover that here in the physical world, it’s your humanness that gauges the health of your entire being. A guided meditation led by Grandmother Flordemayo will teach you how to look at the entirety of who you are to identify the biggest struggle that’s impacting your spiritual being right now, beginning with understanding the true definition of stress...

... and how the five types of spiritual healing can be used to release stress and reharmonize yourself completely.

During the fourth session of your spiritual journey, you’ll discover:

  • What it means to be and truly live as a spiritual being and how our perceptions of what and who we are echo throughout our entire being, for better or for worse
  • The 5 types of spiritual healing and how curanderismo prioritizes them with a holistic approach to wellness
  • Techniques for creating energetic boundaries around your spiritual being that guard against the pervasive influences of internal and external negativity
  • A guided meditation for tuning in to the biggest struggle that’s impacting your spiritual being right now and how to identify the rippling offshoots of that challenge
  • How your physical body is the barometer that gauges the health of your entire spiritual being

Module 5: Limpia, Cleansing, Clearing & Spiritual Bathing


As all living beings are connected through Spirit, and the natural world holds its own healing power that’s a vital component of healing, it’s impossible to heal completely without Mother Earth, as the fifth session of your spiritual journey will reveal.

You’ll experience a limpia ceremony led by Grandmother Flordemayo that will bring you into balance with yourself and the natural world... reconfiguring energy patterns on all levels of your being, while deepening your connection to Spirit, Mother Earth, and the heart of the world.

During this cleansing ritual, you’ll not only learn the art of ceremony, you’ll explore how to use Earth-based elements such as crystals, obsidian, fresh herbs, or a raw organic egg to lift heavy energy from your being.

As an added bonus, Grandmother Flordemayo will read the egg she uses in the limpia and share the message she receives for the group. She’ll also share other element-focused limpias and rituals for purifying your energy and environment, such as spiritual clearing and bathing.

The fifth session of your journey will include:

  • Gaining a deeper understanding of how Mother Earth is a vital component of healing
  • A guided limpia ceremony led by Grandmother Flordemayo to cleanse heavy energy from your being (this is a ceremony that you can easily recreate!)
  • An in-the-moment message for the group, based on the limpia, that’s sure to touch each heart as it’s meant to
  • Immersion into the art of ceremony which natural elements to include in your limpia, spiritual bath, or other cleansings, and why
  • A deep dive on how individual cleansing helps heal, awaken, and uplift the whole of life

Module 6: Tinctures, Tonics & Moon Water Making Your Own Tonic


Throughout history, the life-giving nature of Mother Earth has been called upon to nourish, protect, sustain, and heal us on every level of our being. In fact, every material object that exists from modern-day pharmaceuticals to cell phones to our own physiology is derived from substances of the Earth.

You’ll explore the divine intelligence of plants and the elements in their natural, raw states... and how our relationship with them, or lack thereof, mirrors the quality of our health and our lives.

You’ll gain an understanding of how curanderismo infuses elements of the natural world in a sacred way to create healing tonics, and be guided by Grandmother Flordemayo on how to make your own tonic and moon-water ritual... at a time when the moon will be 99 percent illuminated (waxing gibbous).

You’ll also get acquainted with the different phases of the moon and how the unique energy of each phase can be harnessed to treat a variety of ailments and supercharge your spiritual development.

During the sixth session of your spiritual journey, you’ll:

  • Connect with the life-giving nature of Mother Earth in a deep and life-affirming way
  • Explore the divine intelligence of plants and the elements and how curanderismo infuses them in a sacred way
  • Discover how your relationship with Mother Earth mirrors your own wellbeing
  • Create your own tonic and moon-water ritual under the guidance of Grandmother Flordemayo
  • Learn different types of tonics and tinctures including how various plants work together and how to infuse them

Module 7: Dreaming, Dream Recall & Intuitive Dream Interpretation


Dreaming is an important part of reality that’s so often undervalued. It’s during dreamtime that we’re generally most open to the messages and healing gifts of our spiritual guides... whether from our ancestors, plants, animals, angels, elemental spirits, or other light beings.

During this final session of your guided spiritual journey with Grandmother Flordemayo, you’ll explore daytime visions and nighttime dreaming... and how both are windows into your inner truth, your healing gifts, and where healing is needed within you.

You’ll be immersed in intentional dreaming, healing dreams, how to invite specific allies into your dreams, and how to recall and interpret your dreams using your intuition.

As an espiritu and vision-bearer of the Beloved Mother, Grandmother Flordemayo will teach you how to differentiate between awakened visions and nighttime dreams. She’ll also share a water ritual for setting an intention and calling in specific dreams...

... and how spiritual tools such as dream catchers, bundles, and dream journals can be used to enliven your dreaming world, unleash your spiritual gifts, and inspire your daily life in a way that aligns you with your soul path, Spirit, and the highest good for the world.

In this final session of your spiritual journey, you’ll explore:

  • Dreams as an integral part of reality and a necessary component of healing
  • The difference between daytime visions and nighttime dreaming and how both are windows to your inner truth
  • How to sleep and dream with intention, inviting specific allies or messages into your dreams
  • A guided water ritual with Grandmother Flordemayo for setting an intention and calling in specific dreams
  • How dream catchers, bundles, and dream journals can enliven your dreaming world, unleash your spiritual gifts, and inspire your daily life

The Mayan & Curanderismo Rituals Bonus Collection

In addition to Grandmother Flordemayo’s transformative 7-module virtual course, you’ll receive these special bonuses to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.


Vision & Calling in Your Dreams
Video Prayer, Meditation, and Teaching From Grandmother Flordemayo

Join Grandmother Flordemayo for a prayer, meditation practice, and ritual that infuses a glass of water to help you call in your dreams. Setting intentions before bed for dreaming is a great way to keep your mind focused even when you’re asleep. She also shares her dream bundle, hand-crocheted by her oldest sister, Esperanza, as a talisman to protect you from nightmares and bad dreams much like a dreamcatcher that acts like a spider’s web by trapping bad dreams or visions while allowing good ones to filter through. Also in the dream bundle is a milagro of a guardian angel, some lavender, and prayers by Esperanza.


The Vision of the Golden Child for Humanity
Video Teaching and Companion Meditation From Grandmother Flordemayo

Explore Grandmother Flordemayo’s sacred vision of the Golden Child for Humanity an awakened vision she had that came with a message for all of humanity. Discover how a cosmic voice called upon Grandmother Flordemayo with a gift, how she responded to receive it with open arms and chanting, and how it revealed a newborn baby winged and physically perfect, beautiful, androgynous, and gold from head to toe. You’ll understand why Grandmother Flordemayo says of her vision, “We are in a time to birth ourselves, in this golden time, in this new era. There are golden children of peace born into humanity every day for all of creation.”


The Threads of Dreaming
Video Dialogue With Grandmother Flordemayo and Kezia Vida With PDF Companion

In this video dialogue and dream-interpretation PDF, you’ll discover why dreaming is so important, what we can learn from dreams, and how to access ancestral wisdom from your dreams. The threads of dreaming are constantly weaving our physical reality. By honoring and sharing our dreams with loved ones, we can learn to let go of difficult events from the past and prepare for all the twists and turns life has in store for us. Grandmother Flordemayo also shares how dreaming is a constant confirmation of our sacred walk, the unique ways she has experienced dreams weaving through her remarkable life, and how we can look within our dreams for guidance.


What People Are Saying About Grandmother Flordemayo...


Mary Elizabeth Beary: “I Believe The Energy of Grandmother Flordemayo is a Stream of Unconditional Love”

Kim Langbecker: “Grandmother Flordemayo’s Heart Is the Heart of Humanity”

Devi Tide: “Grandmother Flordemayo Is a Woman of True Heart, Spirit, and Wisdom”

“She’s the real thing and embodies the qualities I respect in spiritual teachers wisdom, humility, authenticity, and a deep sense of spiritual connection.”

I have known Grandmother Flordemayo for over 20 years and have worked with her in various sacred settings. She has spoken at or facilitated powerful ceremonies at several of my events and retreats. She’s the real thing and embodies the qualities I respect in spiritual teachers wisdom, humility, authenticity, and a deep sense of spiritual connection.
Christian de la Huerta, personal transformation coach, TEDx speaker, and award-winning author of Awakening the Soul of Power

“She is a seed sower, planting seeds of awareness in human consciousness.”

Grandmother Flordemayo’s wisdom is exactly what we need in this time of upheaval. Her passion for Mother Earth inspires us all to understand our very own deep connection to the planet and to each other, and to honor that in the best ways possible. She is a seed sower, planting seeds of awareness in human consciousness.
Katy Koontz, editor, Unity Magazine

“... one of the wisest, most grounded, and compassionate individuals I have ever met.”

Grandmother Flordemayo is an international treasure. I learned of her work more than a decade ago when I first encountered the vitally important efforts of the International Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers, of which Grandmother Flordemayo is a founding member. Since meeting her, I am personally honored to know her as a friend, master teacher, visionary healer, and activist for the sake of future generations. Grandmother Flordemayo is an authentic Mayan daykeeper, holder of the Prophecies, family-lineage-holding curandera, and one of the wisest, most grounded, and compassionate individuals I have ever met. Her heart is as deep as the ocean, and her sacred wisdom is a cherished resource for us all as we pass through these most challenging and stressful times of societal transition. We are fortunate to have an Indigenous elder like Grandmother Flordemayo as a spiritual leader helping guide us through these chaotic and dark times into light.
Rev. Ronald L. Boyer, MA, DDiv, co-founder and executive director of The Krippner Center for Indigenous Studies and initiated shaman-practitioner of the Huichol, Shuar, Siberians (“Warrior of Light”) and Guatemalan Mayans (“Bundle Carrier”)

“I would highly recommend this course to anyone who feels called to be part of this shift.”

I have had the great honor of knowing and working with Grandmother Flordemayo for almost 20 years. I have had the privilege of participating in many teachings and offerings over the years. Grandmother brings the wisdom of the ancestors and also a gentle, yet firm urging to those receiving the teachings to realize their own personal gifts and ways of knowing. I think we can sometimes be on a never-ending quest for answers outside of ourselves. What Grandmother offers, and especially with this course, is guidance to access and open what we already have inside ourselves: our own knowing and what we carry in heart. Our own healing, and in fact, healing the ancestors who have gone before us and those yet to come, is critical now for all of us to collectively heal the imbalance in the world. I would highly recommend this course to anyone who feels called to be part of this shift.
Kim Langbecker, executive director of Sacred Fire Foundation

“Grandmother Flordemayo saw light and gifts in me that I didn’t know how to access.”

Grandmother Flordemayo saw light and gifts in me that I didn’t know how to access. Everyone’s spiritual journey is very personal and it can get very lonely along the way. Having someone who has traveled the path, as Grandmother did, who is your support and guiding system, is truly a gift from the universe. As many secular people get intimidated with approaching tradition and generations of Mayan practice, I was amazed how Grandmother’s love was all inclusive and universal. It is an honor and a privilege to have a chance to be with Grandmother Flordemayo.
Julia Zatsarinskaya, finance executive, New York, New York

“... you will leave her sessions with simple but powerful tools to enhance your life.”

Grandmother Flordemayo is a fountain of essential wisdom. She shares the teaching of the Mayan people in a way that offers not just knowledge, but a feeling of sacredness and joy for the wholeness of life. It is a great gift to hear her song and share in her prayers. And you will leave her sessions with simple but powerful tools to enhance your life.
Devi Tide, head of the Sufi Healing Order in North America

“She is the most authentic, down-to-earth, open-hearted spiritual teacher and healer I have been blessed to come into contact with in a VERY LONG TIME.”

Do you want to learn about the Mayan culture... crystal skulls... how to pray... how to connect with your animal guides... how to connect with Mother Earth... and in general how to connect with the Creator through the most holy sacred way? Then I wholeheartedly suggest you take the time and make the investment in taking this course with Grandmother Flordemayo. She is the most authentic, down-to-earth, open-hearted spiritual teacher and healer I have been blessed to come into contact with in a VERY LONG TIME. I have been collecting crystal skulls for close to 20 years and have learned more from her than anyone. I started taking classes with her when the pandemic hit and if it wasn’t for her... I wouldn’t have made it through. I’ll never stop being her student. I love her with all my heart.
Adele Star Rose

“She speaks directly from the root and channels soul medicine for us all.”

Grandmother Flordemayo is a gift from the source. She speaks directly from the root and channels soul medicine for us all. I highly recommend working with Abuela Flordemayo if you are wanting to go deeper, connect to spirit, and learn how the ancient path of curanderismo can transform your world.
Christine Gutierrez, licensed psychotherapist and author of I Am Diosa

“Her work and words pierce through the veils of illusion and culture amnesia to reconnect us to the very heart of what’s true, real, and eternal.”

Grandmother Flordemayo is a generous keeper of the ancient wisdom so many of us have forgotten. Her work and words pierce through the veils of illusion and culture amnesia to reconnect us to the very heart of what’s true, real, and eternal. If you would like to be transformed from the inside out, her stories, grace, and connection to Mother Earth and the Great Spirit will do just that.
Lauren Walsh and Shaina Conners, founders of the Global Sisterhood


Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Class Sessions With Grandmother Flordemayo

Experience a unique opportunity to be mentored by and learn from Grandmother Flordemayo, universal healer, visionary, dreamer, and founder of The Path, from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a streaming video option, and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to cultivate a greater appreciation for being alive and what it means to surrender to the present moment through Indigenous healing ceremonies, rituals, prayers, and divinely guided transmissions.

Seven Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Mayan & Curanderismo Rituals Bonus Collection
  • Vision & Calling in Your Dreams
    Video Prayer, Meditation, and Teaching From Grandmother Flordemayo
  • The Vision of the Golden Child for Humanity
    Video Teaching and Companion Meditation From Grandmother Flordemayo
  • The Threads of Dreaming
    Video Dialogue With Grandmother Flordemayo and Kezia Vida With PDF Companion

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Mayan & Curanderismo Rituals to Heal, Awaken & Uplift Yourself & the Heart of the World


We feel honored that Grandmother Flordemayo has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a unique opportunity to learn from a universal healer, visionary, and dreamer whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about cultivating a greater appreciation for being alive through Indigenous healing ceremonies, rituals, prayers, and divinely guided transmissions that deepen your relationship to Mother Earth and your own spiritual gifts, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

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Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Mayan & Curanderismo Rituals to Heal, Awaken & Uplift Yourself & the Heart of the World or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form 2 weeks from your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.


More Praise for Grandmother Flordemayo...

“Her wisdom brings ancient teachings that help us live our daily lives knowing all Life is sacred.”

I have known and walked with Grandmother Flordemayo for almost 20 years. Her humility and deep love and devotion to the Maker of Life has inspired me and touched many. Her heart and her prayers are a beacon of Light. Her wisdom brings ancient teachings that help us live our daily lives knowing all Life is sacred. The Ancestors and Star Nation are present in her offering guidance and lighting our way. When you sit with Grandmother Flordemayo, the presence of the Great Mother flows. She is truly a woman of prayer, and that prayer is in action.
Grandmother Jyoti Ma, founder of The Fountain, co-founder of the Center for Sacred Studies, delegate of Mother Earth Delegation of United Original Nations

“Her connection, vision, love, simplicity, and depth can open a gateway for you to discover and cultivate for the rest of your life.”

It is such a blessing to be in the presence of Grandmother Flordemayo any time and truly a gift to receive her ancient and cosmic wisdom teaching. Her connection, vision, love, simplicity, and depth can open a gateway for you to discover and cultivate for the rest of your life. It is tremendously important for this time of humanity and uncertainty.
Master Mingtong Gu, founder, CEO, and Qigong Master of The Chi Center for Wisdom Healing Qigong

“Grandmother Flordemayo is one of the most powerful women I have ever met...”

Grandmother Flordemayo is a gift of the Universe who actively cultivates her relationship with the Divine and graciously shares the guidance she receives with those who gather with her. She takes care of the seeds and simple things, and reminds us to do the same. Grandmother Flordemayo is one of the most powerful women I have ever met, and it is a deep honor to play music while she prays.
Mz. imani, interfaith minister, ceremonial musician, and curator of SoulFire Sanctuary

“Grandmother Flordemayo touches my heart...”

The wisdom of our Elders is the greatest and most precious gift that we can receive in these troubled times. Wisdom delivered with humor and humility, in words both eloquent and inspiring, spark the inner knowing in those who hear them. Grandmother Flordemayo touches my heart and shows me how to be a more complete human being whenever I see her, whether in person or in video. Her words, heard or read, are direct transmissions of a star-being living a grounded earth walk. As a keeper of seeds, she sows seeds wherever she goes. It is up to us to nurture them and follow her example in blessing Life. I gratefully travel to be where she is, to support the work she does on our behalf, in service to all she gives.
Geri Littlejohn, flute maker, ceremonial musician, board chair of Pacifica: A Garden in the Siskiyous

“Her beauty walk is the truth she walks and shares...”

When our prayers are heard by Creator, there is no accident, from the day we were to meet the joy, love, and remembrance we have for each other comes into our soul. When I close my eyes, the love and light shines around my Sister, Grandmother Flordemayo. Her beauty walk is the truth she walks and shares with all who choose to receive.
Grandmother SaSa Swan of the North, elder and Indigenous leader

“... truly one of Earth’s greatest protectors of all the family of life...”

Grandmother Flordemayo, Universal Healer, curandera, the humblest of holy people, is truly one of Earth’s greatest protectors of all the family of life, light, and nature. I am a vitally repaired healer who is so proud to stand in allegiance with deep gratitude for the great circle of women of wisdom, of faith, of love, sustainers of life, right beside sweet Grandmother Flordemayo.
Suzanne Lewis, healer, spiritual community leader, her-storean, teacher, author, gourd starseed artist


About Grandmother Flordemayo

Raised by her mother, who was a midwife, Grandmother Flordemayo grew up in the highlands of Central America in a family of Mayan healers. She travels the globe to share healing and to foster a more spiritual understanding among humanity.

She founded The Path Inc., a 501(c)3 organization dedicated to the conservation and preservation of heirloom and heritage seeds. Grandmother Flordemayo is a founding member of the Church of the Spiritual Path, the Confederation of Indigenous Elders of America, the Institute of Natural and Traditional Knowledge, and the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers. She’s a regular contributor of courses and talks for The Shift Network.


Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!


Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
