With the Creator & Founder of Spring Forest Qigong
Grandmaster Chunyi Lin

A 7-Module On-Demand Video Training


Explore how to live a longer, healthier life as one of the world’s most celebrated Qigong teachers guides you to cultivate your life-force energy and your mind with Spring Forest Qigong so you can heal yourself and others.


In our fast-moving, quick-fix culture, many of us consider whole-body health and radiant wellbeing something that’s admirable to aspire to, but realistically out of our reach…

And so, many of us suffer silently with chronic pain, fatigue, depression, and other health challenges and feel that dis-ease in the body, mind, or spirit is just part of a “normal” life…

But the truth is, you don’t have to settle for a life that’s riddled with health challenges. Because residing within you right now is your own inner healer a profound healing energy that’s been with you all along.

For over 4,000 years, practitioners have benefited enormously from traditional Qigong, a powerful healing modality in which you align breath, movement, and present-moment awareness to direct your body’s natural energy to promote health, healing, and wellbeing.

When you organically stimulate the flow of Qi (your life-force energy), blockages in your system that keep you from experiencing complete wellbeing release and your whole body resets…

Join us for an empowering course with Master Chunyi Lin, the creator and founder of Spring Forest Qigong and one of the most gifted and beloved  Qigong teachers and practitioners in the world. Through Master Lin’s unique practice of Qigong, you’ll learn to heal yourself and others, while extending your longevity and quality of life.

You’ll learn to reverse dis-ease and specific ailments as you apply Qigong healing for maximum healing outcomes.

Master Lin will guide you to refine your body’s vast reservoir of energy and direct it to facilitate healing for yourself and others.

You’ll even learn how to heal animals, plants, objects, houses, land, and more. Plus, Master Lin will also briefly explain how to use these Qigong healing methods for long-distance or remote healing.

Master Lin is a celebrated teacher with his own powerful story of how his Qigong practice helped ease his crippling arthritis and free him from pain and suicidal depression. While masters in China told him it would take him years to heal, he miraculously healed himself in one seven-and-a-half-hour Qigong session.

Now, he’s dedicated his life to preserving the authenticity of traditional Qigong and sharing its ancient wisdom with his students from around the world.

Join Master Lin as he guides you through an experiential 7-module journey to understand how Qi moves through the body  so you can direct your Yi (your mind) to unblock stagnant energy… and bring about whole-body healing for yourself and others.


In this transformative online course with one of the world’s most beloved Qigong masters, you’ll

  • Learn practical Qigong techniques to awaken the healer within
  • Gain clarity and confidence as a healer using Qigong for yourself and others
  • Explore the 6 main causes of Qi blockages and each step of how they progress in the body
  • Be guided through Qigong techniques to cultivate your body’s Qi and release blockages from your energy body
  • Move through the Yin (heavenly, immaterial energy) and Yang (earthly, material energy) internal refinement process to enhance your Qigong movements and effectively heal others
  • Explore Qi (your life-force energy) and Yi (your mind) and how to work with them both at the same time
  • Master your Yi to direct your mind toward optimal mental, emotional, and physical health
  • Be guided through a practice to experience love in action incorporating forgiveness, kindness, compassion, and more
  • Learn the surprisingly simple ways the Qigong lineage is passed on from many generations of masters
  • Gain insights and principles from Master Lin about the inner workings of the Qigong healing process so you can review and build on these learnings throughout the course…

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-part transformational intensive, Master Chunyi Lin will guide you through the fundamental skills you’ll need to cultivate your life-force energy and your mind with Spring Forest Qigong to live a longer, healthier life and bring healing to yourself and others.


This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Master Lin. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to explore real-world practices and traditional disciplines to awaken the healer within.

Module 1: Qigong Healing Techniques for Self & Others


In this opening module, Master Lin will help you learn the inner workings of the Qigong healing process.

He’ll explain its foundational principles, and guide you to practice your own healing process so your understanding can broaden and deepen over these next seven modules.

Master Lin will also share how to internalize the Qigong healing process so it can become part of your nature.

In this first module, you’ll explore how to:

  • Prepare yourself as a healer
  • Prepare your friend the person receiving healing from you and better understand what they’ll experience as you heal them
  • Detect a Qi blockage and know when you’ve removed it completely
  • Use the Sword Fingers technique to break Qi blockages and the Energy Hand technique to remove Qi blockages
  • Practice a Qigong standing position
  • Close a healing session in the most effective way

Module 2: The 6 Main Causes of Qi Blockages


In this module, you’ll discover the main causes of Qi blockages.

Master Lin will share what Qi is, and what’s taking place behind the scenes when it becomes blocked.

He’ll explain what happens when a Qi blockage initially forms and where Qi blockages occur most often.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • How an unmanaged Qi blockage can manifest as symptoms of dis-ease in the body
  • Whether a Qi blockage can ever resolve itself without intervention
  • The fact that Qi blockages occur not only in humans, but also animals, plants, mountains, lands, and more
  • A healing Qigong practice to cultivate a deeper understanding of Qi and how Qi blockages can further develop and become more severe

Module 3: The Progression of Qi Blockages


In this module, you’ll continue your journey as Master Lin walks you through a progression of Qi blockages…

Master Lin will explain why understanding the progression of Qi blockage allows you as a healer to assess its condition and develop a strategy to restore balance to the body.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • The process of reversing an illness or ailment and when to apply Qigong healing for maximum healing outcomes.
  • The Yin and Yang of the body how the physical body is Yang while the Qi is the Yin
  • How each step of the Qi blockage progression affects the Yin and Yang body
  • How Qigong healing applies to each step of the Qi blockage progression
  • What Master Lin called the point of no return as a healer and what to do if you encounter it
  • A Qigong healing practice

Module 4: Cultivating Qi & Mastering Yi


In this module, you’ll delve into the core principles of Qigong...

You’ll explore Qi and Yi, and how to work with them at the same time which is the key to becoming a powerful healer.

While everyone can practice Qigong, to become a powerful and effective healer you must cultivate and master your Qi.

You’ll explore the doors that open when you elevate yourself as a healer.

Master Lin will also explain the importance of unconditional love, kindness, forgiveness, and compassion in your healing work which is putting love into action every day.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • What Yi is, and the relationship between Yi and Qi
  • A guided exercise to experience for yourself how your Yi and Qi complement and enhance one another
  • The meaning of a Qigong master and the importance of a healer’s mindset
  • How to avoid depleting your own Qi while you’re healing others by calling on your master’s energy
  • Ways to practice healing with love

Module 5: Qigong Movement for Qi Cultivation


In this module, Master Lin will share specific Qigong movements to help you cultivate your Qi.

He’ll guide you, step-by-step, from preparing for the movement practice to harvesting the Qi and closing the practice. You'll experience the Qi in your body so you can experience the power of Qigong.

You’ll also practice and refine your Qigong healing skills.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • The significance and purpose of key Qigong movements
  • Steps to harvest Qi as you begin and close your Qigong movement practice
  • Qigong movements for Qi cultivation
  • Modifications for Qigong movements if you have a physical or other health condition
  • How even seemingly simple Qigong movements help you cultivate your energy

Module 6: Internal Refinement for Qi Cultivation


In this module, Master Lin will introduce and guide you to practice Qigong techniques for the process of internal refinement.

He’ll once again walk you through the Harvesting the Qi process from your preparation to closing the practice.

You’ll discover how, from the Yin/Yang perspective of Qigong techniques, the internal refinement process is the Yin, which often influences Yang in a powerful way.

Your internal refinement process will enhance your Qigong movements and your effectiveness when healing others.

Once again, you’ll also practice your Qigong healing to help you cultivate your Qi and experience your Qi in your body.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • The role of internal refinement in your Qigong healing journey
  • A guided practice to observe and experience your Qi in your body
  • Modified practice positions to try if you find the classic lotus position uncomfortable
  • Practice tips for many common experiences like what to do if you fall asleep for a moment during your practice
  • Effective solutions to strengthen your Yi when your mind begins to wander during your practice

Module 7: Expand Qigong Healing


In this closing module, Master Lin will share how to apply your healing ability beyond improving your own health and that of other humans.

You’ll learn how to use the methods you’ve explored during the past six modules to heal animals, plants, objects, houses, land, and more.

Master Lin will also briefly explain how to use these Qigong healing methods for long-distance or remote healing.

In this final module, you’ll discover:

  • The 3 Treasures of Spring Forest Qigong practice
  • How to honor yourself as a Qigong practitioner and a healer
  • Ways to honor the Qigong teachings themselves, your teachers, and your spiritual master
  • The surprisingly simple ways the Qigong lineage is passed on from many generations of masters
  • Another practice to experience love in action incorporating forgiveness, kindness, compassion, and more
  • How to continue cultivating unconditional love

The Power of Qigong Bonus Collection

In addition to Master Lin’s transformative 7-module virtual course, you’ll receive these special bonuses to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.


The Power of Your Heart’s Qi
Video Teaching From Master Chunyi Lin

This teaching is excerpted from Master Lin’s opening remarks for the 2021 Qigong conference, Master of Qi. Master Lin shares many engaging stories as he explains the power of your heart’s Qi. You’ll also discover how the vibration of your heart’s Qi extends far beyond the limits of your heart’s material form and how your heart’s vibration is the key to aligning with universal energy.


Who Are Taoists & What Are Their Healing Sounds?
Audio Teaching From Master Chunyi Lin

Discover who the Taoists are as Master Lin walks you through their ancient healing sounds. You’ll find this teaching to be a supplemental internal refinement practice that takes you through the famous healing sounds. This audio is part of Master Lin’s recent Healing Connection, and features a 20-minute lecture, 20 minutes of answers to common questions, and 20 minutes guided Qigong meditation.


Healing Our World
Audio Meditation From Master Chunyi Lin

Master Lin’s vision for this guided Qigong meditation is for everyone to join together to focus on the greatest healing and creative power in the universe unconditional love. You’ll contemplate the beauty of perfect, healing love and the joy of sharing it with every corner of our world. The more healing love energy we send to others, the more healing love energy the universe returns to us.


Top 10 Self-Care Techniques for Everyday Aches & Pains
PDF Guide From Master Chunyi Lin

Enjoy this quick-reference guide created by Master Lin as an introduction to his book Head-to-Toe Healing: Your Body’s Repair Manual, a collection of 76 Qigong self-care techniques based on the body’s meridians. Each technique is illustrated and explained in great detail so you can easily follow along.


What People Are Saying About Grandmaster Chunyi Lin...

“... the way Qigong is practiced and taught by Chunyi Lin is a very powerful approach to human health.”

I became acquainted with Chunyi Lin about seven years ago when I saw him give a talk at a symposium on breast cancer. Since then, I’ve enrolled in two of his classes and learned a lot about Qigong from him. It’s clear to me that Chunyi Lin is a very powerful practitioner of this important method of dealing with human energies. The way Qigong is practiced and taught by Chunyi Lin is a very powerful approach to human health.
Neil Kay, MD, Professor of Medicine, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Rochester, Minnesota

“It is without reservation that I say Master Lin is at the top of his field among Qigong masters in the U.S.”

As both the President Emeritus of the International Institute of Chinese Medicine and a Qigong master myself, I am well-versed in the Qigong community. It is without reservation that I say Master Lin is at the top of his field among Qigong masters in the U.S.
Michael Zeng, MD, President Emeritus of the International Institute of Chinese Medicine, Santa Fe, New Mexico

“Spring Forest Qigong is going to revolutionize the manner in which we look at healing.”

Spring Forest Qigong is going to revolutionize the manner in which we look at healing. What I really like about his work is that he’s mainly a teacher. And so it’s nice that he’s taking care of individual patients, but he’s teaching thousands of people to figure out how to do Qigong.
Bill Manahan, MD, assistant professor of family practice and community health, University of Minnesota Medical School

“The benefits of practicing Spring Forest Qigong for most of the people I’ve seen are fantastic, absolutely remarkable.”

The benefits of practicing Spring Forest Qigong for most of the people I’ve seen are fantastic, absolutely remarkable. Diabetes, glucose control, hypertension, I’ve seen some folks reversing longer-standing arthritis. All of these are on the list of what I’ve seen in my clinical practice being reversed.
Greg Gerber, MD, chief of internal medicine at Southwest Memorial Hospital, Houston, Texas


Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Class Sessions With Master Chunyi Lin

Experience a unique opportunity to learn from Master Chunyi Lin, the creator and founder of Spring Forest Qigong, from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a streaming video option and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to cultivate your life-force energy so you can heal yourself and others.

Seven Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Power of Qigong Bonus Collection
  • The Power of Your Heart’s Qi
    Video Teaching From Master Chunyi Lin
  • Who Are Taoists & What Are Their Healing Sounds?
    Audio Teaching From Master Chunyi Lin
  • Healing Our World
    Audio Meditation From Master Chunyi Lin
  • Top 10 Self-Care Techniques for Everyday Aches & Pains
    PDF Guide From Master Chunyi Lin

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Heal Yourself & Others With the Power of Qigong Online Training


We feel honored that Master Chunyi Lin has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a unique opportunity to learn from a Qigong master whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and transform ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about discovering how to live a longer, healthier life as one of the world’s most celebrated Qigong teachers guides you to cultivate your life-force energy so you can heal yourself and others, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

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Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Heal Yourself & Others With the Power of Qigong or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form 2 weeks from your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.


More Praise for Grandmaster Chunyi Lin...

“Chunyi’s Qigong program is life-changing.”

Chunyi’s Qigong program is life-changing. I spent a week with him practicing Qigong, and never felt so energized!
Jack Canfield, bestselling author of Chicken Soup for the Soul

“Master Chunyi Lin has developed an easy-to-follow program that will allow you to incorporate the health benefits of Qigong into your daily life.”

Like yoga, Qigong teaches you to balance energy in your body. Master Chunyi Lin has developed an easy-to-follow program that will allow you to incorporate the health benefits of Qigong into your daily life.
Deepak Chopra, MD, author of The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success

“I would highly recommend the use of SFQ in the treatment of depression, anxiety, anger management, attention-deficit disorder, and to enhance self-esteem.”

I have done a full and comprehensive study of the various Qigong methods and techniques as part of my research for the Qigong/depression study. I have found that the SFQ [Spring Forest Qigong] technique which Chunyi Lin has developed is easy for individuals to practice and yet incorporates a full spectrum of the various movements for health. I have taught the technique in clinical settings as well, and found it was well accepted by both patients and mental health practitioners. The SFQ technique was extremely effective in the treatment of depression, including bipolar subjects, and was especially instrumental in manifesting a greater sense of self and positive connection with the world. I would highly recommend the use of SFQ in the treatment of depression, anxiety, anger management, attention-deficit disorder, and to enhance self-esteem.
Frances Gaik, psychologist and author of A Preliminary Study Applying Spring Forest Qigong to Depression as an Alternative and Complementary Treatment

“Mr. Lin’s practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine, known as Qigong, is exemplary.”

Mr. Lin’s practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine, known as Qigong, is exemplary. His respect and straightforwardness with patients upholds the highest medical ethics. His outcomes treating respiratory disease and cancer, I have observed to be quite remarkable. Mr. Lin is the most dedicated teacher I have seen in a long time. He communicates clearly and is rapidly developing students into teachers of Qigong.
Bart Main, MD, child/adolescent psychiatrist

“Master Lin has an outstanding reputation as a practitioner and teacher of Spring Forest Qigong…”

Master Lin has an outstanding reputation as a practitioner and teacher of Spring Forest Qigong, a unique form of this tradition which is especially accessible to the practitioner. People of all ages from all walks of life and every level of skill have taken and benefited from his courses. I have taken two levels of his training. I know of several of my patients who have seen him for Qigong therapy with as good results as I [experienced].
Henry C. Emmons, MD, psychiatrist, Northfield, Minnesota


About Grandmaster Chunyi Lin

Master Chunyi Lin is the founder and creator of Spring Forest Qigong, a leading advocate of Qigong for healing and awakening, and a trainer for many Qigong Masters. Since 1995, his personal-study Qigong programs have positively transformed the lives of over 750,000 students, while his Qigong Teacher/Healer Certification programs have trained more than 400 Qigong professionals.

He has been a celebrated speaker at countless major wellness and transformation conferences with audiences as large as 4,000, both in the U.S. and in 11 other countries. Master Lin is a media favorite, with network TV interviews by KNBC, Fox 9, and KMSP. He has also been interviewed and featured in the New York Times, the Star Tribune, and Pioneer Press.

He is a healer and wellness coach for thousands of private clients, including TV/film celebrities and professional athletes, and for multiple sports teams in the U.S. He is the author of Born a Healer... Head to Toe Healing: Your Body’s Repair Manual... and Head to Heart.

In 2010, Master Lin was also selected as “Qigong Master of the Year” by the National Qigong Association. He is the director of the Spring Forest Qigong Healing Center in Eden Prairie, Minnesota, overseeing more than 9,000 healing appointments annually. Master Lin has hosted a live weekly teaching program since 2010 called The Healing Connection, empowering students worldwide. He also leads multiple advanced Qigong retreats each year, all designed to help people discover their highest potential.


Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!


Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
