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With Sacred Dancer, Choreographer &
Founder of Dance of Oneness®
Banafsheh Sayyad

Identify the elements earth, water, fire, air, and ether that are creating physical, mental, or emotional blocks within you, and explore how sacred dance can help activate the element that can awaken in you greater vitality, mobility, and joy.

Be guided by an acclaimed embodiment teacher in a sacred dance practice to activate 5 of the elemental forces, releasing tension and stress, increasing energy, and igniting a felt sense of peace and presence.

Dance is medicine that can ground and inspire you as you navigate the many stressors and complexities of today’s world.

Acclaimed sacred dancer and embodiment teacher Banafsheh Sayyad says it’s also a potent tool for balancing your body’s systems, releasing trauma, and re-establishing a loving, conscious connection with your body and your divinity that supports optimal health.

This includes your innate connection with Mother Earth, whose elements not only bring life to your body but act as powerful change agents that reinforce your ability to regulate your own physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing.

Pain, illness, overwhelm, chronic conditions, and even dis-ease are often telltale signs of an elemental imbalance within you.

Sacred somatics via dance, embodied movement, and knowledge of the elemental forces within can help you activate the elements you need to rebalance and regain greater agency in your physical, mental, and emotional health.

Every element has a corresponding body movement, says Banafsheh, that can nourish and fuel your body’s systems. Her approach to embodied health is anchored by an MFA in Dance from UCLA, an MA in Traditional Chinese Medicine, extensive study of Gurdjieff movements and philosophies, Sufi whirling, mystical poetry, and sacred initiation into Divine Feminine wisdom.

All of this synergizes in her work to clear the physical and energetic blockages that lead to pain and elevate your overall experience of life.

During this empowering hour with Banafsheh, you’ll have the opportunity to add soul to your somatic practice as you learn how sacred dance and conscious movement can be used to summon and embody the element you need to correct physical, mental, and emotional imbalances, ease pain and ailments and reclaim your connection with your body as a sacred vessel for love.

Knowing how to activate the right element at the right time can help you regain stability and inner balance and heal what ails you, while also instilling a felt sense of health, clarity, calm, strength, and capacity.

Through dance, you can break through these blocks, she affirms, as you bring your body into coherence even when you’re stressed, disconnected, defeated, or unsure of how to move forward in life.

In this life-affirming event, you’ll experience the transformative power of sacred dance during a guided 15-minute sacred dance practice that activates five elemental forces to help you release stress, ground your energy, and inspire peaceful presence.

While learning how to consciously embody their sacred selves, previous students of Banafsheh’s have also alleviated stiffness and muscle contractions, emotional overwhelm, mental fixations, anxiety, depression, circulatory health conditions, and chronic conditions and began reconnecting with others and their true gifts in an easeful, open, and meaningful way.

During this empowering online event, you’ll:

  • Discover how sacred dance can catalyze the healing element that can help you shift your state, instill calm and clarity, heal your ailments, and come into physical, mental, and emotional coherence
  • Be guided through a 15-minute sacred dance practice that activates 5 elemental forces to release overwhelm and stress (fire), ground (earth) in peace and calm (water), generate awareness (air), and become still (ether)
  • Gain powerful insights from an acclaimed embodiment teacher on how to consciously embody your sacred self through movement practices that balance, heal, and instill greater mobility, strength, and joy by weaving your physicality and spirituality together
  • Learn how activating the elements through sacred dance can help you process and release emotional trauma and energetic blockages through movements, visualizations, and embodiment practices that are supported by Traditional Chinese Medicine and deep spiritual inquiry
  • Begin reclaiming physical and spiritual vitality, awareness, courage, and confidence by reconnecting with your body in a sacred, supportive, and empowering space

In joining us, you’ll also be among the first to learn about Banafsheh’s 7-week live video course that uses sacred dance and conscious movement to help you harness the elements and embody the sacred  connecting you with your body as your true earthly home, awakening its wisdom, and catalyzing whole-being healing, transformation, balance, and coherence.

Sign Up Now

Join this FREE video event with Banafsheh Sayyad to discover how sacred dance and conscious movement can summon the healing element in your body that can ease your pain, increase your energy, bring you into balance, and activate lasting embodied health and wellbeing.

Free Video Event

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What People Are Saying About Banafsheh Sayyad...

“[Banafsheh’s] class ended up being an amazing aid to me in recovering from hip replacement surgery...”

Besides enjoying all the beautiful depth of the class, the class ended up being an amazing aid to me in recovering from hip replacement surgery that I had right before the class began. I was able to do that in a safe and very fluid way that has enabled me at course’s end to be fully functional and more tuned in to my body than ever.

Rabbi Jeff Foust

Newton, Massachusetts

“Banafsheh is a magical healer and dances like an angel.”

I experienced a profound transformation in my ability to accept my body, my sensuality. I’m in recovery from anorexia and I’ve struggled most of my life to feel present in my body since I’ve been so disconnected. Throughout this course, I felt myself become more and more grounded and embodied. The freedom and joy is immeasurable. Banafsheh is a magical healer and dances like an angel.

Dr. Jo

Minneapolis, Minnesota

“... it’s a joy to the spirit and an opening of the heart.”

Banafsheh uses dance as a holy ritual. Her dancing is more than a feast for the eyes, it’s a joy to the spirit and an opening of the heart.

Marianne Williamson

Internationally acclaimed spiritual author and lecturer

“Banafsheh is the quintessential professional in her field...”

In watching Banafsheh dance, I knew I was witnessing a master performer in action. Banafsheh is the quintessential professional in her field, not only as a dancer but as an artistic interpreter of Rumi — and in explaining the brilliance of that renowned Sufi mystic.

Caroline Myss

Bestselling author, medical intuitive, and the founder of CMED (Caroline Myss Education)

“I believe Banafsheh is the greatest, most luminous, most profound teacher of embodiment on the planet...”

I believe Banafsheh is the greatest, most luminous, most profound teacher of embodiment on the planet — an incarnation of the Divine Feminine, and someone whose life, mind, heart, and body is devoted to the birth of a new kind of human, a humbly, rapturous divine human being.

Andrew Harvey

Mystical scholar, spiritual teacher, and the founder of the Institute of Sacred Activism


About Banafsheh Sayyad


Banafsheh Sayyad is a Persian master sacred dancer, choreographer, acupuncturist, transformational teacher, activist, and founder of Dance of Oneness®. A deeply profound and highly accessible spiritual teacher of embodiment, Banafsheh performs and teaches internationally, initiating people into the wisdom of their bodies. Her signature style of “holy wildness infused with ancient wisdom” activates transformation and illumination in all those who watch and dance with her from around the globe.

Banafsheh invites the dancer within to remember, reclaim, and resource the innate healing intelligence spiraling both in us and all around us. Her easeful instruction and welcoming spirit empower students to feel a true sense of belonging in their bodies. Students also experience more passion in their lives by integrating wisdom teachings from throughout the ages.

She is among the few virtuosos of authentic Persian dance in the world, and a pioneer in creating a liberated feminine expression in the Sufi dance genre, previously performed only by men. Her modality, Dance of Oneness®, is both a spiritual path and a science of embodiment. It is a fusion of three dimensions healing, wisdom teachings, and the rigorous technique and self-expression of the art of dance.

Banafsheh has a master’s degree in dance and choreography from UCLA, and a master’s degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Her award-winning work has been presented throughout North America, Europe, and Australia. Her dance film In the Fire of Grace, with Andrew Harvey, traces Rumi’s journey of the soul in dance.
